They follow the meat in due season from the nameless Faithful and Discreet Slave- even if it kills them.
What do JWs REALLY worship?
by 00DAD 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
YES! Isn't it apparent the loyal witnesses are worshipping the GB?
This fulfills 2 Thess 4 where the "man of lawlessness" makes itself a God in God's own house. God's house is made up of glorious ones, "gods." But the GB has made itself even more glorious than the anointed among JWs, just as the Bible prophesied! And we all see that!
2 Thess 2: 3 Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god."
God's "temple" are the anointed of JWs! The WTS is God's temple organization. The "gods" in this organization or objects of reference are the divine anointed ones. But the GB has made itself "God's channel of communication" thus rising above them and making itself a god. And truly the witnesses do treat the GB like a god. They are taught to be loyal to the organization. And even if they see something is wrong being taught, they don't care. They want to maintain their good standing and fool themselves by saying it is not their place to "run ahead" or that "Jehovah will correct this in his own time through the organization, so they needn't be concerned." So the Watchtower has become more holy than the Bible; what is on the altar has become more sacred than the altar itself.
Thus JWs fall into the error that John did when receiving the revelation from an angel. He bowed down to that angel. The angel warned him not to do that but to worship god. So that is the error of the witnesses. They are so impressed with the presentation of spiritual food, they bow down to the angel who gives it to them and now that angel, the GB, has become their mediator, savior and god. The ignore the scripture that says even if an angel should tell you something different than what is in scripture you are not to believe it. lPaul brought everyone spiritual food, but the Bereans still checked it out thoroughly to see if it matched what the scriptures said.
So this is a catch-22 for the witness organization. If they want to believe the WTS is God's "temple" then they have to deal with the fact that the Bible says the leaders would become apostate and become the "man of lawlessness." The MOL is linked to the temple organization, meaning JWs. So now, the GB, as prophesied, are apostate and in spiritual darkness.
The critical error now being made by the witnesses is presuming that "Once God's temple, always God's temple." Wrong. At one point it is time to leave the broad road and go down the narrow path. The WTS served as God's temple for 110 years, from 1886 to 1996. Now the temple is the actual elect who come out of the WTS and other places. The WTS p;roduces the "little flock" but Christ has "other sheep" not of this fold, gathered in by the other nine slaves sent out. Witnesses ignore the fact that the Bible says TEN SLAVES were sent out, thus ten different sects or ministries involved with gathering the elect. The WTS is just one of them and the one which proved to be the "evil slave" or the "sluggish slave." This organization is abandoned by Jehovah and Christ.
On the prophetic note, the MOL was revealed when a letter was sent to them on November 10, 1992 telling them they were the MOL and the "evil slave" and that Jehovah was disfellowshipping them from his Heavenly Organization and casting them into spiritual darkness. That is the case now. This ended the 1290 days. The 2nd coming took place on December 25, 1992, 45 days later, to fulfill the "1335 days."
I feel they worship the" WATCHTOWER" whenever a brother or sister ever had a question for an Elder ,CO, or whowever ,what was the first thing they would ask ? What does the Watchtower say about this ,have you looked up the Watchtower publications? for your answer,lets go to the library and search through the Watchtower publications to find out what the current teaching is.
They say the U. N. is "standing in a holy place" because they say they are the way to "peace and security". But the Governing Body who are men say they are the way to "peace and security". They are standing way closer to "a holy place" than the U. N. is. Are they not?
This is one of the WTS doctrines that has been "adjusted" to the standing being yet future, not in 1919 when the League of Nations was proclaimed God's Kingdom on earth.
*** w99 5/1 p. 17 par. 16 “Let the Reader Use Discernment” ***Since the start of the great tribulation is yet future, is the “standing in a holy place” still ahead of us? Evidently so. While “the disgusting thing” made its appearance early in this century and has, thus, existed for decades, it will take a position in a unique way “in a holy place” in the near future. As first-century followers of Christ must have keenly watched to see how the “standing in a holy place” would develop, so do present-day Christians. Admittedly, we will have to wait for the actual fulfillment to know all the details.
*** w99 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***
Why is it logical to say that there will be a future “standing in a holy place” by “the disgusting thing”? (Matthew 24:15)In the ancient pattern, ‘the disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ was linked to the Roman attack under General Gallus in 66 C.E. The modern-day parallel to that attack—the outbreak of the “great tribulation”—is still ahead. (Matthew 24:21) So “the disgusting thing that causes desolation” is yet to stand in a holy place.—5/1, pages 16, 17.
As Jesus said to the Samaritans, they worship what they do not know, I mean, how could they really know the secretive Governing Body ?
The Timing on getting out of the UN Beast ahead of the GT must be keeping some of the GB up at night.
Basically they worship the leaders of the WT society and/or elders , C.O's, D.O.'s , anybody who claims to bring them the alleged " word of God ".
And also JW's worship a fantasy, an unreality which will never come. They worship Armageddon and the killing of billions of human beings so they can be the only ones to live in an alleged " paradise ". So this makes them narcissistic as well - desiring their own comfort while billions of others are to die- allegedly. So due to this selfish narcissism - you might also say- JW's worship themselves as well
flipper- Remember out in Service the friends would put Debs on the best houses they wanted after the Big A, I guess we could put McMansions on the worship List.
DESIGNS- I definitely remember dubs putting dibs on houses they would live in out in service once they got to the alleged " paradise " . My then JW wife of 19 yrs. was one OF those JW's that would do that. She'd say, " I think I'll live in THAT house when paradise comes ! " all the while pointing at a nice house. I thought it was very selfish of her to be gleeful at others death just so she might get a house. Probably one of many reasons she became an EX-WIFE in 1998. I can't tolerate selfishness in my marriage partner , or anybody for that matter. Peace out, mr. Flipper
The mind, therefore "accurate knowledge" is against fear. I know that for a fact.
If someone is afraid, where is it felt? In the mind? Not in the conscious mind. It originates there, but it is felt in the belly. Or is that only me? I think it's true it is felt in the belly. "Their god is their belly".
Flipper is right. Their gods are many.
To be led by the fear in one's belly is to worship one's self.