Whats your cultural background ?

by Beans 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I'm a heinz 57...German, Norwegian, Irish, Swedish,English,Welsh and French.
    More German and Irish though.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • WildHorses

    Mulan wrote "I am a genealogy FREAK!!"

    My sister and I have been doing research into our family history on our Dad's side of the family since we didn't know a whole lot about the history. In doind so, we found out that Jesse James and his gang once spent a few nights in my great great grandfathers barn while on the run.

    We also found a cousin living in Germany, who came for a visit this year. My sister met him in Minnesota this past summer. His name is Hendrick. He told us that we have a village named after our family in Germany, which is Pieske. I always hated that name while in school. People always called me piss on the key. LOL

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • AMarie

    I'm not sure of the percentages, but I'll list them from largest estimate to smallest:


  • RedhorseWoman

    Do I dare? 100% Polish.

  • Mulan

    Gopher: Do you really want to know about the Brothertown Nation?

    RedHorseWoman: Dzien dobri

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • DanielHaase

    Father German, mother from Alabama...Does that make me a German Redneck?

    "Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
  • 2SYN

    50% Reptilian
    25% Gray
    25% Human

    *LOL* OK, the truth now:

    50% Dutch
    50% Dutch

    Seriously! I might have a bit of Zulu (African) blood in my family, but it's highly unlikely. AFAIK, my family landed at Cape Town a few centuries back and that's about it. BORING!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • expatbrit

    Since I've already got into trouble once on this thread I may as well throw caution to the winds and make the obvious pun:

    2Syn, you are such a boer!


  • Perry

    50% Sicilian (grandpa said it was much different than Italian)
    20% English
    20% Irish
    5% Cherokee Indian
    5% Insane

  • hungry4life

    Well lets see my dad is Mexican and my mom is Mexican and I was born in California so I guess that makes me Mexican-American.

    Si hablo espanol.

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