Pondering A "What If" Ultimatum

by OnTheWayOut 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    When I was still in, I used to ask other Witnesses what they would do if they found a wining lottery ticket and couldn't find the rightful owner. Most said it would be wrong to cash it in. I said that not cashing it in would be the same as donating that amount of money to the lottery and that my conscience wouldn't permit me to do this. They couldn't argue with my logic, but I could tell that the question made them very uncomfortable.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I've thought about this one myself!

    Started buying a lottery ticket every week a few months ago. I don't feel spending a couple bucks is gambling, and in the end it helps pay for stuff like schools, etc. I spend more on coffee.

    I figure that if I ever won, I would pretty much make a break for it! I would give my wife/ family reasons and a choice, and no matter what, I would share the proceeds with them. But I think I would actually say "screw it" as far as JWs are concerned. Sad that money is such a game changer in life!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Nothing wrong with winning the lottery as a JW, but just you try cashing the damned thing in.. then BAM they DF you for greed.

    If someone won the lottery and "confessed" to the elders then there is no way they can be anything but DFd if they take the money, is the way I see it.

  • punkofnice

    You might get a surprise. The resolute wife would say you should go to the elders and still accept the cash. My advice is do the Lottery online. I do and no one knows but me! Not that it matters now I'm DA but I enjoy it as my little secret.

    It varies in each congragation as to how they'd deal with you if you went to them.

    I know of an elder that 'came by some money'!! His uncles, brothers and Dad were all on the BOE. Guess what. No further mention of it and he remained an elder! (I know, he's a relative of mine! Not one that I particularly like either).

    Forget the elders. Just cash the ticket in and enjoy the cash. Tell the wife it was a 'free lottery ticket' given away in a newspaper or something....you know...theocratic warfare....

  • garyneal
    If someone won the lottery and "confessed" to the elders then there is no way they can be anything but DFd if they take the money, is the way I see it.

    What if I promise to give to the contribution box?

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