A nice letter, and some good posts here.
by Momma-Tossed-Me 20 Replies latest jw friends
A nice letter, and some good posts here.
well it is a club. They can change the rules at will
I'll bet they just put their heads together after your initial meeting (not exactly a brain trust) and concluded you had DA'd yourself. No JC required in their mind after that.
I agree with the others though, great letter and good use of their literature. Hopefully you planted a few seeds with the few you got the message out to.
some have responded with some concerns about things but they still subscribe to the religious doctrine. i think some will always have it as part of their religious ideaology.
thanks for the well wishes and the likes on the letter itself. i also appreciated the reminders on the bible characters who were engaged in politics.
oh and all are welcome to use the letter if you would like to.
Well spoken.
Everytime I read this I am just inspired by how well thought out it was. A lot of times when they DF or DA you without notice, you just get very angry. Especially when they randomly do it without any real reason or rationale of a supposed violation. This is why I think it is so much like a cult; you give a very logical reasonable fact filled response to what was done to you. You did absolutely NOTHING WRONG. You decided to run for political office; so what. You didn't do anything actively against this religion, but because this imperfect men decided that by splitting hairs on guidance that they misinterpreted, they BAN YOU and all of your friends and possibly family in that religion are told to shun you. How can anyone in their right mind agree with this? There are so many people that have stories just like yours where they were DF'd not for an offense, but just because of the illogical actions of this group.
Each and every time I have brought up these type of things to my JW family (and it has been a few years for me), they make every excuse in the book for these type of offense. "I know the religion is not perfect" or "I don't agree with everything, but I think overall it is 'the truth" or my personal favorite "wait on jehovah to reveal all".
Thank you for sharing your story. If I lived near you, you would certainly have my vote!
mommalove - My wife is a witness who is towing the WTBTS line in the areas that fit her. she does not communicate anything watchtower related. aug 27, 2010 she told me she didnt love me anymore. but i am doing what i can to preserve the marriage.
ex-jehovah - thank you for your post it was very encouraging. PM me i you want my name to follow the campaign on FB. I will give you my name and you can friend me. that goes for all others as well.