What's The Latest In The World Of Watchtower?
by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends
breakfast of champions
Dark Shadows was a great show! Good eye, OUTLAW!
Open mind
There's been a HUGE change in the format for the Announcements on the Service Meeting.
They no longer announce the Sunday talk title and speaker. Also, they don't give a run down of what parts are going to be on the Service Meeting that night.
Jehovah's Chariot speeds on!!
The "Necessary Business" contact with DF'd relatives, has been changed to "No contact" according to the April 2012 WT.
It's Minimus! I loved you in my last incarnation here.
Good to see you again and no, there is zero chance I'll tell you who I was back in 2003-2005.
Onthewayout...why don't you go grind your axe somewhere else and ignore Rick else you seem to be infatuated with him????
Is there anything new???
Armageddon is just around the corner
red21, why dont you stop kissing rick fearon's ass?
What about the Australian Child Labor case from Mr. Unthank? That's new, I think!