GB Stridency: Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink Doesn't Work Anymore

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Currently, it often seems like everything that comes from the Glorious Masters Of Time and Space (AKA 'The Governing Body that Couldn't Shoot Straight') sounds like it would be PRINTED IN CAPITAL LETTERS if it was part of an email (very annoying).

    Which Tells You That:

    The old 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' style of Watchtower Command and Control ain't working anymore. How come? Wha' happened? Well, the current system of mind numbing, boring, meetings encourages Witnesses to drift off into reverie or fantasy (or porn images, hey, Satan won't let me stop thinking about that stuff) and they just shut off, mentally-speaking. Throw in a whole lotta 'worldly' distractions and not much gets thru, apparently, relative to the concerns of the Theocratic Dark Lords.

    Remember those stupid lectures by the C.O. to the elders in which he asked, "Brothers, what is the Slave really telling us here?". Usually, that would be followed by exposure of some minor failing that he thought up to annoy the elder body with. Nudge, nudge, wink , wink didn't work with them, either. Hence, the explicit 'reminders' (or 'suggestions' -which were arbitrary commands to be followed to the letter)

    I'm seeing very active Witnesses who seem to have no idea that Going To College Is Bad (' it's OK, as long as you live at home') or who think that being df'd to get a new marriage mate is just a Theocratic Procedure That They Have To Follow( Oh, sigh, the inconvenience....)

    And Social Networking? I think that ship has sailed. Now, along with the internet generally - and abject devotion to i-phones or the equivalent- I think the Watchtower Society has lost the battle already. It's too late to stop.

    So, the next time you get discouraged by some asinine Kool-Aid Watchtower or C.O.'s talk, preaching some new emphasis on shunning your kids, or some other cultish aspect of refusing normal human socialization, just remember.........

    ............... they're just saying it over and over and over and over BECAUSE IT ISN'T GETTING THRU AND DAZED WITNESSES AREN'T REALLY LISTENING. (similar to what happened in regard to 'voluntary donations' many years ago, all the repetition didn't work)


  • cofty

    I think you are right.

    Good 6000th post by the way Metatron.

  • baltar447

    I hope you're right.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I think you're right on the money. I was in the Borg for nearly 13 years, and I never did really get the subtle commands to avoid higher education and the internet. I was way too busy trying to keep my kids quiet to even hear 90% of the meetings, and I couldn't focus on serious reading with all the endless racket 3 little boys and a husband make around the house.

  • metatron

    6000? wow, I wasn't counting! Thanks!

    This is a very reactionary organization. If they keep beating something to death, it usually means that these Sith Lords perceive a disturbance in the Force, i.e. that something is going wrong and not responding.


  • troubled mind
  • Bangalore

    They might be getting more desperate I guess. Afraid that they might be losing control over the flock.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It works on my lot.

    I recently got the two year old Tony Morris, "This is not the Governing Body saying this. This is Jehovah speaking to you.", email. Still being circulated like the talk was given last week.

    If the GB died tomorrow, my family would stampede to fill the empty seats.

  • metatron

    What I would like to see would be a general violation of their Writing guidelines. They have a behind the scenes understanding that none of their articles or talks should ever develop a tone of blame or general condemnation or just blasting the friends openly. So far, they've avoided this but you never know when a sense of frustration might break out into the open.

    At some point, they either cross that line in their increasing stridency or they simply accept gradual defeat. Accepting gradual defeat, coupled with all that Brooklyn Real Estate money might work out OK, if they slink away into their upstate compound and go into isolation. You never know.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I can just picture the bulging eyeballs and veins on the neck of a GB as stands over a WT writer, dictating this blather.

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