Has anyone ever done anything that they praised you for???
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne 116 Replies latest jw friends
terafera...u don't mean Gary? Married to Val? No can't be...or was it when Gary was married to Abbey...no no...can't be. I lost touch because I was banned from watching it...I was shamed and incarcerated.
butalbee...lost for words...nothing comes to mind.
I had a Guinness Stout sticker inside my car...
A circuit overseer saw it and "reported" me to the elders. Of course,
being the good witness that I was, I took the sticker off.
Was Gary the guy who looked like Elvis? Cute, dark hair? God I loved him! I hated Val when she left him! If Val was Joan Van Ark, I mean.
LOL, look at us! Trying to reminisce and cant remember a darn thing! BUt I loved K.L.!! Falcon Crest was good too.
Cant think of anything. If I had higher status in the congregation, I mightve been in a part for the meetings or assembly. But no such luck.
Has anyone ever done anything that they praised you for???
The only hint of praise I ever saw or received was for the first talk in the Ministry School. Other than that, I never felt appreciated for anything, even when I repaired an elders Mercedes on the side for $25.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
Jeepers Creepers....Joan Van Ark...that's right lol...yeah she was Val...and she had 2 husbands...Gary was the blonde...and her second husband she met while jogging along the beach...can't remember his name...I think he was the Elvis guy...but le Gary left Val when he got with Abbey...remember lol.
Yes!! Gary was the blonde! Now I remember.... and Abbey died in his trunk. He was on trial for killing her but after careful investigation (remember Mac was a P.I.?) it was found that Abbey got drunk and gagged herself and put herself in the trunk. She was going to say that Gary kidnapped her, but she vomited, choked on her vomit and died. She did all this in an attempt to frame Gary for kidnap.
Wow !!! I loved that show!!!!
I know a sister who was counselled by a group of elders for praying!
The aussies here know who I mean!
For others here, no, it wasn't in some 'hick' town, it was at Bethel!
Ozzie"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress -
I got counseled for studying the WT with a "mature" christian for spiritual encouragement because I was already baptized. So much for being "counscious of your spiritual need".
Another time I was counseled for turning in a regular pioneer application because in the previous month(s) I didn't get "enough" hours. So I was turned down, and consequently stopped going out in service alltogether.
refiners fire
Wasnt me, but I knew a young guy in our cong got councelled for drawing a picture of the "shulamite maiden" during a Watchtower meeting. Breasts of figs,lips of honeycomb, hair like burnished copper and all that. Saw the pic. great creative drawing.
Some old biddy sat behind him thought it "irreverent" and squealed to the Elders.I once got some guys councelled, at an assembly, there were a load of brothers keeping night watch, I was one. Some of the boys got rowdy and I ratted them out.
Oh!! I did get councelled once!
Four of us young lads got chewed out for hunting deer in the woods NAKED. I took pictures of the escapade, someones brother saw them and squealed us out.Refiner- squealing, nude "organization man" class.