I didn't cut the grass at the kingdom Hall straight enough! (ha, ha)
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne 116 Replies latest jw friends
Once a snooty elders wife, out of the blue, decided to give me some makeup tricks (?) She told me that I should blend my foundation down onto my neck (which I guess is the way you're supposed to do it).
I don't know if that was counseling, but it sure was weird. (Especially since she never said 'boo' to me otherwise) LOL
Lets see.... Where do I begin? It seems as if I was always receiving 'loving' counsel for something.
I was counselled for having worldly friends, so I started a bible study with a local marajuana dealer in high school. He didn't study for real, but attended the occasional meeting so we could keep our friendship.
I was counselled for playing dungeons and dragons. My mother actually called an elder to our house and asked him to bring all reference material he had on the subject. I learned alot from that meeting - like how to hide my things so mom don't find them.
I was counselled for my hair being too long, it was just touching the collar of my shirt. So I got it cut, a short buzz job, but not bald headed - at the very next meeting I was counselled that it was too short.
My entire family was counselled about our appearance. We were so poor that sometimes we couln't afford to eat, but the elders had to gall to tell us 'good christians will find the means to make themselves presentable'. I'm not talking about coming to the hall in torn clothes with patches or anything, it just wasn't as fasionable or up to date as the rest of the congregation in their 1970's polyester.
I am amazed we stayed as long as we did.
life is the opportunity for art -
I was counselled for playing dungeons and dragons. My mother actually called an elder to our house and asked him to bring all reference material he had on the subject. I learned alot from that meeting - like how to hide my things so mom don't find them.
Back in the days when I was a loyal JW, I got into playing D&D with some friends. This was before the Society condemned the game in the magazines. When the articles about D&D came out, I obediently stopped playing, and one day, put my set out to sell at a yard sale. One of the brothers, a self-righteous pioneer and ministerial servant (we'll call him Brother Extra-Righteous), stopped by the yard sale, and was horrified that I was selling such a demonic object. The only proper way to deal with it was to destroy it, burn it or something like that. I disagreed, saying that it was only a game, and that it didn't need to be classed with objects used in spiritism, it was just better that we, as 'Christians', not play the game. While we were arguing, some kid came by and bought the game. Brother Extra-Righteous left in a huff.After that, for years, Brother Extra-Righteous inserted D&D into every conversation I had with him, how wrong it was, how 'real Christians' would never play such a game. He would say something about it to others, too, if I was present. Eventually, we moved to another congregation. Several years after the original incident, we revisited our old congregation (where he still attended) for a Sunday meeting. Sure enough, without any corresponding information in the Watchtower article being studied, Brother Extra-Righteous managed to insert some remarks about D&D into his comment during the Watchtower Study. An elder, whom I had previously complained to about this idiot (and who was really a good guy), took him aside after the meeting and read him the riot act.
After that, Brother Extra-Righteous never mentioned D&D in my presence again. But I don't think that the counsel from the elder that day was the reason. I think it had more to do with the fact that Brother Extra-Righteous was disfellowshipped shortly thereafter for sexually molesting his two young daughters.
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan
Lady Lee
I was counseled for not going in service. As an elder's wife I had to set an example.
Seems that they thought I was wasting my time.
We had a sister in the cong who was deaf. She was dying of cancer and had chosen to die at home. The family needed help to take care of her and they needed someone to call the paramedics when the time came and an interpreter to explain why she died at home.
My husband - the elder - resented the time I spent helping this sister and her family. I was missing meetings so they could go to some meetings. I was missing service - not a good example. And I wasn't home to cook his meals - although they were cooked he just had to heat them up.
I spent as much time as I could with this sister and her family for about 3 weeks before she died. I tried to arrange for other sisters in the congregation to help and take shifts - got counseled that I was trying to act like an elder for that one.
In the end this woman's sister and I held her hands while she took her last breaths. She died peacefully at home with people she loved around her.
I was able to assist the family with the paramedics and doctor who had to come to the house and with the making of the funeral arrangements.
I was counseled that I was not putting first things first. We were to be more concerned for the living not the dead.
I would not have it any other way. I could not bear the thought of deserting this sister and her family at this time and feel honored that they allowed me to share such private moments with them.
It was worth the counsel. And I would not go back and change a thing I did.
Remembering Ana
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002 -
For dancing with my sister to the Irish Rover's song, Wasn't That a Party in the late 70's/early 80's! It was a Witness get-to-gether and we were the only two dancing in the whole gymnasium..
If they could see me now,..... -
Counselled for not wearing a jacket but a pullover with a tie while conducting the CBS. And that my wife was near being part of the "Pioneers Help Others"-Program - not as a pioneer but a victim. ;-)
Counselled for not wearing a jacket but a pullover with a tie while conducting the CBS. And that my wife was near being part of the
"Pioneers Help Others"-Program - not as a pioneer but a victim. ;-)LOL! Oh man thats too funny...
Whoever mentioned how the elder's wife helped her with makeup tips...boy that sounds so much like my life. I didnt wear my makeup too heavy, it was just more than the 'bare faced' plain jane look that many sisters went with. I liked pink lipstick at the time and heavy eyeliner..shoot, I didnt look bad at all, alot more stylish than those boring people!
Anyway, the sister who I was studying with (also an elder's wife) comes up to me with another sister and asks me over for a slumber party. I thought it was a REAL party....turns out it was only me, the sister and the other sister. They start telling me they want to 'play' around with makeup...what did I think if I didnt wear eyeshadow? How about not using lipliner and just lip gloss? Then they told me Iwas too pretty for makeup and should go a' natural..*gag*! Why couldnt they just accept ME for ME????? My whole life in the JW system was people trying to change me.
My hair and my wifes skirts.
I was told by a very old PO we had when I was 19 that they were thinking of disfellowshipping me because my hair was too long.
It was as long as a typical elders hair-doo...then add an inch!He was stopped from this by another elder who thought that might be a little extreme but that it was serious and I needed to cut it.
The other case was my wife wasn't getting any talks. When I asked why I was told her skirts were too short. Had I not asked I would have never known.
This is not the case in all congregations I realize but these types of things DO happen. -
I stumbled upon this old post in doing some searches. It reminded me of a time as a teenager my family used to host fantastic wholesome gettogethers complete with Bible games. I lived at home with my parents on Long Island, NY. We always invited young Bethelites to our gatherings.
There was one such Bethelite who believed himself to be anointed. I enjoyed always videotaping our affairs. After one brother said the prayer before everybody ate this anointed brother pulled me aside and criticized me harshly in my own home mind you for videotaping while the prayer was being said. He said it was showing disrespect for Jehovah, etc, etc. I yessed him to death but inwardly desired to tell him to go stuff his phony anointed self. I recall how presumptous and pompous this brother was. If any of you knowS what old time SPATS are (white coverings for your shoes), he always wore them. REALLY NOW. After that I had no respect for the brother whatsoever.