Racism is wrong. If the Holy Spirit led them, they would have integrated de facto the Southern KHs. It should not matter whether the law ordered segregation. They opposed the draft law.
If truth be known, I heard very racist things from extended family. It was not malice. When ethnic whites lives around the poverty zone, they are obsessed with sinking deeper. Both my sister and I call the JWs the poor religion. It was a vacation when we attended suburban KHs. I am certain, though, that the white trash caused just as many social problems. When I say hardly anyone could read, I mean it.
You don't give in to prejudice. Jesus said to love one another. Of course, Jesus condoned slavery. As I've mentioned before, I read a lot of civil rights related history. The letters from slave owners such as Washington and Jefferson show clearly that they knew slavery was wrong. Their consciences were troubled. It wasn't oh I didn't know any better. The Ham business in the OT appeared out of no place to justify the Atlantic Slave Trade. But that was Christendom, the Witnesses are so much better. Ha!