APRIL 2012 Watchtower and my family is about to shun me again...here we go! go1

by itscrap&theyknowit! 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    My brother told me about my mom's assembly for January 2012 about November 2011. So did my mom and my older brother.

    Everybody in my family is Jehovah's Witness. Nobody is a Chistian.

    Well, this week alone started on Sunday: Text message, "Hey, getting a hotel room... (roach motel: the society has soooo much control over the CULT DUMMIES that all that follow this crap stay in the most lowly, bug-infested establishments because you need to humble yourself for when Armageddon comes.... BULL SH**!!!) ...so, you and the kids can come to swim in the ROACH MOTEL POOL and get a free ROACH MOTEL DINNER." "No, thanks. Please don't try to coerce me into going to the meeting with a ROACH MOTEL and ROACH FOOD."

    I get a phone call from mom: "Are you and the kids coming to the assembly?" No, thanks. But, I'll meet you all for dinner on Sunday AFTER the fairy-tales have told at the assembly. If I want to hear fairy-tales the kids and I have the Brothers' Grimm in the closet on the shelf. We read those when we want to be scared or humored." She didn't say anything.

    I get text rom my older brother: "Call me as soon as you can...". I spoke with him, "Oh, I thought you were coming to the assembly?" "No, dude." "Well, what about even Sunday? Can u make it, then?"


    I don't make time for fake DisneyWorld. I'd rather pay @ $3,500 a week for me and the kids to get REAL amusement and have REAL fun.

    Why would I subject my kids to 2 days and 2 nights for some boring crap that'll never come into fruition and teaches me to never strive for a better life and keep me in subjection to some old 'effers' at Brooklyn, NY, the brothers at my hall, my husband who ain't doing what he's supposed to be doing according to the Borg????"

    ....all this because NOW the Borg has come out with ANOTHER article to SHUN DISFELLOWSHIPPED FAMILY MEMEBERS!!!!

    Whatever, Haters!!! (in a hillbilly tone)


  • LostGeneration

    Hilarious! You gotta post more here, I love your writing.

    Sorry about the family, keep tellin' them like it is!

  • itscrap&theyknowit!


    I used to cry my heart out. I used to hurt. You can tell from my first ever posting ("Why I Left The Organization").

    Now, this sh** is hilarious!!! My life is soooo much better since I've left the Borg.

    I guess now I need to call a family meeting and EX THEM outta my life.

    Maybe that's what they're striving for...to discipline me to shame???


    Whatever, Haters!!! (((in my hillbilly voice!)))

  • 3rdgen

    Hi It'scrap, Are you a fader? Did your family start shunning you for simply being inactive? I'm currently dealing with that hurt myself.

    Glad you are able to laugh about it now.

  • 3rdgen

    Hi It'scrap, Are you a fader? Did your family start shunning you for simply being inactive? I'm currently dealing with that hurt myself.

    Glad you are able to laugh about it now.

  • N.drew

    That is a good read! And true. Thanks for sharing it.

  • LostGeneration

    I hear you on the hurt they cause. But after the hurt subsides, I took a long, hard look at these people for what they really were. EMOTIONAL BLACKMAILERS!

    Its funny I agree, these people are like four year olds....

    "If you don't stay in my religion, I'm not gonna talk to you any more!!!!!!!!!"

    Its so immature, baby-ish, downright stupid, it does become laughable after a while. The kindergardners at elementary school have more common sense.

    Keep standing tall. They don't know how to deal with that, like you said they think they can shame you back into the cult.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Classic post, by a poster with a classic name! So true about the Roach Motels too! All these years spending hundreds of dollars for a few days in some sorry motel or even a nice hotel overnight while during the day sitting uncomfortably all dressed up listening to the same damn information that we heard the previous year. Corny dramas, poorly written books with recycled garbage. One of the only positive things I can conjur from all of this was being able to have the word, soliloquy, in my vocabulary.

    Everybody in my family is Jehovah's Witness. Nobody is a Christian.

  • Kojack57

    The sad part of it all, is that most jdubs view the assemblies as part of their vacation time. BORING Sooooooo BORING to just sit there and listen to the same message over and over again. Puppet on a string.

    Thank God for real vacations like cruises and mexico, Dominican republic, and the like. ALL INCLUSIVE AND NO CULT TALK.


  • WTWizard

    Going to a Great Boasting Session is a complete waste of the whole weekend. You get up at around 6 AM to get ready, then drive to your local A$$embly Hell (some go to motels, wasting even more money). Discussion is about the religion, backstabbing the world itself (when the world is actually necessary for most of the witlesses' activities) and boasting about pious-sneering. Then you waste your time listening to rubbish all day, both days. If you been to one, you been to 'em all. Don't do anything that would further your own life, and do more of what Jehovah wants (which is more waste). You hear more guilt stories about people who have their hands full and cut something out (their fulfillment) so they can pious-sneer, or so the whole family can pious-sneer instead of just the mother). Crackdowns on music and videos always seem to follow these wastefests.

    For the same amount of time, you could take a nice trip to an adjacent state. Get up Saturday morning with your camping gear, find a campground with a fun spot within 10 kilometers of the site, and drive there. The drive usually takes 2-4 hours. Use the campground as a base for your fun excursion. Chances are good that you will enjoy the event more--and no having to sit in that sweat box.


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