I am hoping I can do one in a year or two- any tips would be appreciated Any Appalachian trail through hikers around?
Has anyone here done a long distance hike?
by moshe 34 Replies latest jw friends
Ohhh I've been on one piece of it, for about half a mile
Have you ever read "A Walk in the Woods"? It will inspire you.
just Ron
You can do trail of tears in Southern Illinois.
finally awake
there's also the river to river trail across southern illinois and the katy trail across missouri.
I want a trail that has a hostel every 10 miles with hot showers
and- WiFi would be nice.
finally awake
maybe you need a rascal scooter lol
finally awake
fwiw, the longest hike Ron and I ever did was a 10 mile loop. I was dog tired at the end of that. I limit my hiking now to our annual (ish) pilgrimage to DisneyWorld.
Bear bells.
Band on the Run
Portions of the Appalachian trail in school. It was great fun at the beginning towards the end I felt I was on a death march. My classmates gossiping helped the time pass. I am almost winded before other people.
The Pine Barrens in southern Jersey would be a cool locale. The Hudson Valley (which may be the Appalachian) would be gorgeous.
Hiked (we call it backpacking) the Yosemite trail that takes you from the valley floor all the way up behind Half Dome. Camped overnight (rough) and came back the next day. Coming down was harder that going up due to the pounding of the knee joints. Don't recall the distance but the elevation change was a killer. Steep!
Another time I hiked up into the mountains above the Hetch Hetchy dam to a lake that was at 10,000 ft. Got a miserable altitude headache but we caught native trout (YUMM), slept under the most vived Milky Way I have ever seen and had a great time.
We now live on the Pacific Crest Trail (Cascade Locks, OR.) and I talk with hikers every year who come into town to pick up their relay provisions at the post office. Most are coming from the south end (Mexico) and are heading for the Canadian terminus. They are kids in their twenties who look about 40! We can leave the house and walk up the mountain to the trail and walk it for a couple of miles to some breathtaking waterfalls and come back home in time for dinner. We have scared off bears from the blackberries a couple of times.
Don't have the knees for it anymore.