I just thought I'd introduce myself...
by celticstorm 26 Replies latest jw experiences
try google chrome.
Mozilla Firefox and IE 8 work here as well. IE 9 has issues though.
Mickey mouse
Hi and welcome. For some reason this forum doesn't work with the most commonly used web browser , try Google Chrome or Firefox.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Ok. Does this work?
Well we can see you now.
Hello everyone,
I'm a born-in, second generation. I've been out now for about 10 years, and very glad that I made that decision. Reading this forum, I had no idea how many people are like me. It's very easy to feel alone in the Witness org. I'm looking forward to posting more here.
celtic storm
Welcome - Is the celtic a reference to a scottish fooball team?
Welcome, Celticstorm!