I believe God

by N.drew 228 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    I understand that to mean you arrived at your present beliefs by searching and thinking. Is this right?

    Yes. As far as I know I never was without belief in God. But my life proved I was not being led by God. I was the same as any atheist.

    I had a revelation. I had more than one. My present beliefs continue to evolve. But yes, my present belief was arrived at by searching and thinking. I do not subscribe to a human mentor.

  • Retrovirus

    I should say that the thinking and arguing people here have looked for evidence of God. Because how else can they call us stupid fools for believing?

    OK thanks for clarifying. My take is that whatever isn't contradicted by fact, each of us can have a belief about that. Nothing stupid or foolish about it either.

    But when scientific theories are ridiculed on the basis of prior belief (or wilful misunderstanding), that's plainly silly. The scientific method is a way of trying to understand the universe we live in. For a believer to deny the reality of what was created (by any way God chose, including evolution), seems to me a sad lack of trust.

    This doesn't mean that any current scientific theory is perfect and must be believed. Most scientists know this very well and don't equate a theory or discovery with denial of a religious tenet.

  • tec

    Yes. As far as I know I never was without belief in God. But my life proved I was not being led by God. I was the same as any atheist.
    I had a revelation. I had more than one. My present beliefs continue to evolve. But yes, my present belief was arrived at by searching and thinking. I do not subscribe to a human mentor.
    Same here. With one ex ception I think. (or perhaps just a difference in wording). God was always leading... I just wasn't always following Him.

    Peace Nancy,


  • moshe

    If we had to depend only on what God has enlightened us with, we would all still be herding sheep and women would be the property of men.

  • N.drew
    God was always leading... I just wasn't always following Him.

    Yes! When I look back at my many follies I do imagine that God was present, but I did not recognize Him then. I was careless to a fault but at the same time protected it seems.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I had a revelation too.

    It went like this:

    Even if I can prove that life needed a 'creator', it doesn't mean that the particular, cult, culture, delusions etc.. of my preferred leader, lover, guru knows who, or what, that creator was, or how it was done. E.g. Bible Genesis only makes sense when read as the science of the time. Likewise, the Rainbow Serpent makes sense when read as the science of the time.

    Proving the existance of a creator does nothing for proving the existance of the god described by the people trying to sell you their version of salvation in exchange for your life and a dip into your wallet.

  • N.drew
    If we had to depend only on what God has enlightened us with, we would all still be herding sheep and women would be the property of men.

    Maybe. But I believe "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free". John 8:32

  • N.drew

    What does "science of the time" mean please?

    And Am I suppose to know what the rainbow serpent is?

  • moshe

    90% of all life on earth is extinct, which argues against an intelligent designer, otherwise the 10% we have alive right now would be the original perfect creation.

  • tec

    Nancy, I think it means science 'as far as they could understood the world to be'. I think something similar. I think they were told things in a way that they could understand... though it could be that they retold things they understood in a way that others could understand as well.

    Proving the existance of a creator does nothing for proving the existance of the god described by the people trying to sell you their version of salvation in exchange for your life and a dip into your wallet.


    Christ gets me to the rest. Christ shows me God.



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