So I have a client I'm working at this morning. In the break room I saw about 3 WT & Awake! rags. This is a HUGE surprise to me, as they are a VERY liberal law office and I can't imagine anyone here is a dub. Shaking my head. Now I'm all weirded out that there's a dub working here....
UGH! WT & Awake at my client's office!
by baltar447 13 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
right, and now that u know that, anything u say can and will be used against you. I've had dubs as employees and just be aware that everyone in the circuit will know everything about u and your business ethic. They love to talk.
troubled mind
probably left there by the cleaning lady ...
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Right, it could have been left there by anyone... from the cleaning lady to a low level secretary who just snuck them in. Just going by the stats, it's very unlikely that anyone of any significance there is a JW. If you reported that to one of the attorneys, they'd probably have the magazines immediately removed.
Well this client is VERY liberal. The owner is a woman married to another woman. I just would be floored to find a dub working here.
Good point about the cleaning person. Hadn't thought of that
@Troubled mind: LMAO!!!!.... I don't know how to put in an emoticon of a smiley face rolling on the floor laughing, but that's what I would like to put here.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Religious affiliation is not discussed at interviews. If a JW was working there, it could be his or her attempt to set the partners "straight" about.. well, their "partnership".
I found a number of WTrags at a place of business I went to, I threw all bar one in a nearby trash can when no one was looking, in the one remaining mag I wrote "See"
Yes I chunked them just now when no one was in there.