University after leaving the Watchtower?

by SweetBabyCheezits 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • drewcoul

    • raised by devout JWs
    • skipped university after high school due to WT propaganda
    • got married and had one or more kids
    • woke up later and left the WT
    • decided to invest in a real university education
    • not made of time or money

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes.

    My brother (Twin) was the first of us to go to college. He ended up getting his law degree and currently is a prosecutor. I remember talking with him in my car when he visited and telling him he sounded like an apostate. It turns out he was just ahead of me by about ten years. I started going to night classes a number of years ago, then quit. I have since restarted my education, and have two years to go to be a full fledged engineer. It is a sacrafice of time due to the studying and papers to write, but absolutely worth it. My son quit going to the meetings about two years ago (he's now 18) and he sees the flaws in the org. He was baptized when he was 12. I am trying to get him to go to college when he graduates this spring. Fortunately, though, he isn't going to serve the WTBTS until his early 30's before waking up like his dad did.

  • free @ last
  • nugget

    Raised as jw and married to an elder. Finally left in my 40s and had already started my degree as I have a son with aspergers and I wanted to help him by learning what I could. I have nearly completed my ba and have 2 further courses to get the honours that I need to do postgraduate course in counselling. I want to do counselling as I want my education to mean something not just for me and my family but for others as well.

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    Yes, SBC, you found the right link.

    Lots of you have mentioned earning potential as a reason for further study, and so it is. But I'd want to say that a really

    important factor is personal fulfilment and the sheer joy of discovery and learning when you pursue a course of study

    that you are really keen on, not just one that will be useful.

    I guess that way back when I was a special pionner in Scotland, the signs of what was to come for me were there already

    - I got seduced by the very wonderful Clydebank Public Library!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I am so glad that so many ex-dubs are forging ahead with life! I went to college right out of high school (literally the day after HS graduation, I started classes at college), if I had unlimited money I'd go back and take every class they offer.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    A suggestion about college and family. When the dorms were closed, there no longer was a large group of students in the study room working until 3 am on a Saturday. I attended Columbia as an undergrad. It is isolated from the main flow of Manhattan. It completely dominates the neighborhood. we complained about being forced to take a short subway ride to see masterpieces at the Met in person. NYU, in contrast, does not dominate Greenwich Village. My classes and the law library faced Washington Square Park. If I looked at the window, I could see and hear people frolicing in the park. The several yard walk from the dorm to the school was hazardous. People were having fun. Washington Sq. and Central Park - fun, fun, fun.

    When I had to study intensively and the dorms/libraries were closed, I went to a motel/hotel so I would not have distractions.

    So many times I know if I studied in my room or my mom's house I would have quit. Whenever I felt as though enough was enough, I was surrounded by driven students sticking it out. If they can do it, I could do it.

    Some schools have much greater percentages of older people going to school. A school that recruits such students prob. has great resources available to retain the students. I was 18 when I started college. We adored the few older students we encountered. I respected them so much.

  • Nice_Dream

    Yes to all the criteria, my husband got a diploma instead of a degree. He is a CAD Monkey too, and in a similar bind at his job. We realized it wasn't "the truth" after we already had a child, and now we have 2 little ones, so going back to school sadly isn't an option at the moment.

    It's interesting to compare my husband's witness relatives with the regular ones. Most of his non-JW cousins went to University, one even went to Harvard! My husband didn't know he needed to apply for scholarships, he just knew he couldn't afford school and didn't want to burden his parents.

    There are lots of programs you can take online.

    Razziel has an inspiring story about earning his degree while working. Send him a PM!

  • 2tone

    I said screw you guys im goin to college. 18 i went to college and never looked back

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey Cheez!

    I think you already know my story. I don't meet the big one...

    • raised by devout JWs
    • skipped university after high school due to WT propaganda
    • got married and had one or more kids
    • woke up later and left the WT
    • decided to invest in a real university education
    • not made of time or money

    After graduating high school, I attended community college for a year, then dropped out to pioneer... because the end was so near in the mid-1980s. I've been back in school for 2 years now.

    1. What was your overall goal? (Education for the intrinsic value of knowledge alone, career opportunities, satisfaction of obtaining a degree, etc...)

    A career I will enjoy, make a nice living, solve some of the problems of these "last days".

    2. What major and level of degree were/are you seeking?

    BS in Engineering. Perhaps continue for a graduate degree.

    3. Did you get the degree you wanted? Or are you still working on it?

    Still working on it.

    4. Were you able to balance time with family, work, and school without going crazy?

    I had to eliminate KH meetings as soon as I moved away to university. That's helped balance my schedule. But I don't have a wife and kids, which leaves a void that I'm trying to fill with alcohol and women. Just kidding.

    5. What sacrifices did you have to make, if any? Was it worth it?

    It was extremely scary to move away, leave behind friends and family (both JW and "worldly"), start over in a big city, attend classes with lots of strangers, mostly young kids. 100% worth it.

    Obviously, things are more complicated when you have a family. And you've gotten good advice already. The question that pushed me: What would I do if the job I have now is suddenly gone?

    I'll send you a PM, since you like Khan...

  • maksym

    • raised by devout JWs
    • skipped university after high school due to WT propaganda
    • got married and had one or more kids
    • woke up later and left the WT
    • decided to invest in a real university education
    • not made of time or money

    All of the above applies to me

    1. What was your overall goal? (Education for the intrinsic value of knowledge alone, career opportunities, satisfaction of obtaining a degree, etc...)

    My Goal was the educational value, career opportunities and obtaining a degree. All of these fulfills a sense of accomplishment in many ways.

    1. What major and level of degree were/are you seeking?

    Seeking a Bachelors degree

    1. Did you get the degree you wanted? Or are you still working on it?

    Still working on my degree at this time. I'm in my third year now.

    1. Were you able to balance time with family, work, and school without going crazy?

    Yes, I am single at present and my child is fully growth and living independently. I snatched the opportunity when layed off of work.

    1. What sacrifices did you have to make, if any? Was it worth it?

    Mostly time and I needed to schedule studies in. I needed also to change my spending habits as being full time does not allow for a lot of work.

    It's a great investment and well worth the effort put into it.

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