Just Ron - I forgot about that statement. Its still such a refreshing thought and so faith strengthening. Such a nice loving provision from the governing body via jesus via jehovah of course.
I don't like genocide
by nancy drew 12 Replies latest jw friends
You can have all the global deluges and holocausts and destruction of the wicked you want, wickedness will keep returning until human consciousness changes. This is really what the New Covenant means: The Laws of God (The Laws of the Universe, The Law of One) will be "written on hearts". When the normal human tendency goes from selfishness and survival at all costs to benevolance and genuine love for others, from service-to-self to service-to-others, from materialism to spirituality, from a spirit of separateness to a spirit of Oneness, we will have Paradise Earth.
ProdigalSon - By reading your post I just figured something out. I already know there wasn't a global flood. From your post I understand there wasnt a global flood because there is still wickedness. I thought the flood was suppose to kill all the bad men, lol and that poor tiger or lion in the pic. That tiger didnt deserve that.