One of my family members is considering to be self employed. Do you have any health insurance recommendations? How much are you paying them each month?
If you are self employed in the USA, do you have health insurance?
by Iamallcool 50 Replies latest jw friends
Various major health insurance companies offer health insurance packages to the sellf-employed.
My brother spends a huge amount of time (and money) trying to keep himself and his employees covered. When he didn't have anyone on payroll, it was nearly impossible for him to get coverage because he has a preexisting. He's not sick, rarely needs a doctor, but because he had an accident and may need attention here and there, they wouldn't cover him. He got so frustrated and told them he would pay whatever they asked---finally he did find a company that would take him---with lot's and lot's of conditions.
When he got some people on payroll, he then qualified to go to COSE, which gathers small businesses together and acts as a type of group coverage. I don't remember that that worked out well, and I think he simply asked someone skilled in the area to help him find insurance options.
Now---in 2014, when health care reform is fully implemented, this will no longer be a problem. Everyone will have a "right" to affordable coverage. That's what I'm hoping for, because I don't think I'll be able to work fulltime, but if coverage is something they will have to sell me, then I could make my way doing something by myself.
Blue*&%#Cross, tried to get Keyser- no go preexisting conditions. Looking forward to 2014.
Now---in 2014, when health care reform is fully implemented, this will no longer be a problem.
Did you hear the applause during the GOP debates when any candidate mentioned repealing "Obama-care"?
The insurance companies and AMA have done some find propagandizing.
Remember Harry & Louise?:
Health Care company McKesson Inc. Board approved a bonus of $46,100,000.00 to CEO John Hammergren. Yes $46Million I wasn't leaning on the zero button.
wha happened?
only because my wife has it through her employer.
Did you hear the applause during the GOP debates when any candidate mentioned repealing "Obama-care"?
Yeah. Remember when their war cry was Repeal and Replace. Now it's just Repeal. If they really wanted to foster that entrepreneurial spirit, they'd make sure that individuals could buy health insurance on their own---instead of being tethered to a corporation. I know quite a few people that gave up their businesses simply because they needed health insurance for their families.
I really think they believe that health care should be reserved for those that can afford it. Nothing else fits the narrative. They just really don't care.
The biggest obstacle for many Americans that have the talent to start a business is health care. My brother get's million dollar contracts---but could barely get health insurance. Something is terribly wrong with this system, but to say so is to be a socialist or to wage class warfare. If we want healthcare options, we really have to hope none of them take the White House. They like that Americans are indentured servants to big corporations---who want to keep all the talent to themselves.
wha happened?
Yea I noticed that. The call to "start over". Now it's just kill it and replace it with......nothing.
It's shameful really. If they can still feel shame. This is a major problem---and they want to take away the only solution that has been offered---yet they got nothing. Shameful.