Finish it, finish it already.....I'm turning blue........
My Experience Growing Up in the Watchtower
by Eiben Scrood 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Well written and witty- I also await more........
What a well explained experience!
Eiben Scrood
Thanks for the kind words everyone. No, I am not disfellowshiped as I performed a successful fade (barely). I will continue my story as soon as I'm able.
Pretty good telling. Thanks.
Meeting Junkie No More
Eiben, that was FANTASTIC! Can I relate? HELL, YEAH! Millions probably can relate to your 'experience'.
OK, so we weren't physically separated from the rest of Society, not exactly like groups such as David Koresh's at WACO, or the compound at Bountiful in B.C., but having this particular mindf*** of an experience, from an early age, effectively shut us born-iners or the indoctrinated early out of mainstream Society and we think we're 'chosen' when really we're BRAINWASHED. You have such an amazing way of telling your story and I love the humor - this needs to be a book. Anxiously awaiting the next instalment!
Red Piller
This resonated Eibeen. I was so infuriated when I woke up. All those teenage years feeling guilty because all I did was think about girls. Its such a head game they play with you. It's preposterous and unnatural to ask young boys to not think about sex.
Crisis of Conscience
Awesome job Eiben Scrood! I really enjoyed your story so far and look forward to the rest.
Thanks for sharing, Eibeen. Those feelings are all normal, and shouldn't make you feel wrong. Your doubts are well founded.
QB! How are you? I'm just flitting around, talking to friends.
I wasn't raised a JW--nope. I was weak minded enough to get snagged as an adult. My daughter never took to it, so I can't say she was raised that way. She had her father to show her the other side. Smart girl. She's just lovely today--and doesn't carry all that baggage.