So when I go in I just tell them it is for JWs?
On giving blood
by Dogpatch 33 Replies latest jw friends
i will have to ask Zen, he is the one that talked to the Red Cross rep about that.
Jehovah's Witnesses now accept EVERY fraction of blood except the skin of the red blood cell .
Only a small fraction of JWs still reject blood transfusions. those members that don't accept blood are a fringe group of extremist JWs,not the majority. More and more JWs are accepting blood every day. The doctrine is over and gone the way of their rejection of vaccinations and organ transplants -
The article referenced quotes the October 15, 2000 Watchtower, Page 31 as saying
"in which a quantity of blood is withdrawn in order to tag it or to mix it with medicine, whereupon it is put back into the patient . . . . A Christian must decide for himself how his own blood will be handled in the course of a surgical procedure, medical test or current therapy."
Is it possible to see this quote in context?
Thank you for this Randy. I've been considering donating blood ever since I began to see their blood doctrine for what it really is. I just never know how to go about doing it. My job use to have blood drives, but no longer. I've seen a couple of churches sponsor blood drives as well, but only during times when I am at work or alone with the kids.
Surely there is something I can do.
Call the Red Cross and they can direct you to other locations.
JW GoneBad
Vanderhoven7 asks: Is it possible to see this quote in context?
Question From Readers Watchtower 10/15/00 Pg 31 Par 6 & 7
For example, during certain surgical procedures, some blood may be diverted from the body in a process called hemodilution. The blood remaining in the patient is diluted. Later, his blood in the external circuit is directed back into him, thus bringing his blood count closer to normal. Similarly, blood that flows into a wound may be captured and filtered so that the red cells can be returned to the patient; this is called cell salvage. In a different process, blood may be directed to a machine that temporarily carries on a function normally handled by body organs (for example, the heart, lungs, or kidneys). The blood from the machine is then returned to the patient. In other procedures, blood is diverted to a separator (centrifuge) so that damaging or defective portions of it can be eliminated. Or the goal may be to isolate some of a blood component and apply that elsewhere on the body. There are also tests in which a quantity of blood is withdrawn in order to tag it or to mix it with medicine, whereupon it is put back into the patient.
The details may vary, and new procedures, treatments, and tests will certainly be developed. It is not our place to analyze each variation and render a decision. A Christian must decide for himself how his own blood will be handled inthecourseofasurgicalprocedure,medicaltest,orcurrenttherapy. Ahead of time, he should obtain from the doctor or technician the facts about what might be done with his blood during the procedure. Then he must decide according to what his conscience permits. (See box.)
As Refried Truth says,
The doctrine is over and gone the way of their rejection of vaccinations and organ transplants.
They're just not saying it in print. Saying it in the elder's book is the same thing - "apostates" would plaster that, as well as any P.R. statement to that effect makes them publicly bloodguilty.
You want proof? Call the Service Dept. real soon, as they will probably no longer answer your question but ask YOU a lot of questions.
Ask them who runs AJWRB.ORG.
I was shocked at their having known for years. They know a lot that they keep secret.
No one gets DF'ed for taking blood anymore unless the circumstances are unusual.
Service Dept. policy.
Also good reading:
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Rh Factor
and Kerry's excellent articles:
Jehovah’s Witnesses Accept Blood – A Little Known Fact
Let the world know that they (WT) do not tell the truth in print, and often not in person.