I agree snare&racket, I thought I also noticed how judgemental they were of the other parents and their teenage son, untill the part when they saw the son though had a lot to drink took care of his mate who was pretty slaughtered, and how proud the sons parents were that they brought him up good. I could see a secret smile on his parents when they were watching the JW parents watching thier daughters antics.
I also agree, though the parents may be spiritually weak, there must be some teenage or older JW's who also watched this programme, who also know these parents. It wont be long before the gossipers get to hear of this and get straight back to the elders, for bringing reproach on Jehovah's, im mean GB's name.
It may even get the JW teens who watched this programme thinking and wonder why they are not allowed be free to make their own choices about the religion and be allowed to experience what the world has to offer and have fun. Well lets hope anyway!!