has anyone seen the Video?.. JW's the orginazation behind the name..

by Tater-T 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TimothyT

    “Words cannot express the joy I felt when a woman with whom I study the Bible burst into tears of joy and appreciation after seeing this video. She said tearfully: ‘How can anyone not see that this is the organization of the true God, Jehovah? I never knew that such people existed.’ And then she said: ‘I want to get baptized.’”—C. D.

    Oh my goodnes! I will agree it is a VERY impressive organisation in terms of how it cares for the physical needs of its employees, sorry its volunteers, and how it produces all those books and shizz... but this does not mean that they are God approved. I find it amazing how JWs sensationalise things like this. Jesus said that the main identifying love of his followers was thier love amongst each other. (John 13:34-34) Why get so emotional about a production facility? :s

    Timmy x

  • Tater-T

    i accidently deleted that you tube account... my video was an abreviated version.. got to got will repost video later...

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