Ya there pretty much phucked. They may have alot of money in buildings and stuff but at sometime they will be spending more than as coming in. Maybe that has already happened because of there downsizing in the last few years.
Brother Waldo D/O, Circuit Assembly Insights About Education ( College) For JW Boys and Girls.
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's it exactly.
What would Brother Waldo do if he were no longer a DO?
I don't know him at all, but if he's a DO, it's a pretty safe bet that (1) he's 55+ and (2) he's been a Bethelite or CO/DO for 30+ years.
Thus, while he has a moderately cushy life now, all that depends 100% on him toeing the party line.
What would happen if he had a "crisis of conscience" and stepped aside or got removed?
He's virtually (or maybe literally) a senior citizen. He has no work history and no practical job skills. He has at best meager savings, and no Social Security. no pension, no 401(k).
If he ever quit, or was removed from, full time service, he'd be totally at the mercy of whatever local brothers he ended up with. If he got himself DF'ed, he'd be homeless in a month.
Don't think those thoughts haven't crossed his mind.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
My daughter got a phone call to attend a gathering by some upstanding youths. Beer bongs, Yager Jello Bombs and Beer, but hey, at least those kids are not working on their degrees! My kids will attend college, no "French Literature" class for the oldest! She wants a degree in Management Information Systems and loves Accounting (Forensic Accountant) might be a good job? Brother Waldo served Texas and Ok, for over ten years as CO, possible DO. Maybe someone else knows him locally or from his past in Texas and Ok. The COs and DOs are now receiving homes to live in, they receive a pension, and Social Security gives them forty credits under "Clergy". I don't know if SS has upped it to 80 credits yet, anyone know?
"Billy" how did you get yourself started after leaving Bethel? You had to work full-time and attend college at the same time? How did you pull it off, after being that close to a organization that despises individual thinking. Do you have advice to motivate the young ones to get a good education? If you knew what you know now, what degree would you have gone for, instead of attending Bethel? We all have heard the legends of Bethelites leaving Bethel and employers grabbing them up, even ahead of those with degrees.
James did you encounter a CO named brother Waller, Wallen or Sammy Robertson? I am hoping that Brother Waldo gets into trouble, for his horrible "Child Molester" illustration, I know victims in the audience last week, which turned my heart upside down. How dare he use a wicked illustration like that one, I don't recall Satan ever calling Jehovah a child molester. I wonder if a brother told Brother Waldo about, a " good brother" accused of this sin, sitting in the audience, enduring the hardship of a label. What if it was a "Message Comment" to prevent anyone from speaking up? I have prayed Brother Waldo gets the counsel and reprove he badly needs! Thank you, great insights from all!
Is this guy's name really "Waldo"?