I'll answer these without googling, since, well, googling would pretty much make the questions pointless.
1) What is the shortest book in the Bible? - 3 John
2) What is the longest chapter in the Bible? - Psalm 119
3) What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? - Psalm 117
4) What is the longest verse in the Bible? - I dunno, probably something written by Paul. . . he was kind of wordy.
5) What is the shortest verse in the Bible? - "Jesus Wept" wherever that was.
6) Which book in the Bible does not mention the word "GOD"? - Song of Solomon
7) Who were the two men in the Bible who never died but were caught up to Heaven? - Elijah and Enoch.
8) Who does the Bible say was the meekest man in the Bible (not including Jesus)? Moses, the guy who MURDERED an Egyptian, and got into arguments with god. . . supposedly he was meek..
9) Is the Bible the world oldest (the oldest religious book) book? - No. I think the oldest currently known is either a Hindu text or some egyptian hyroglyphs.
10) Is the Bible still the best-selling book in the world? - The Bible and the Quaran are the two most PRINTED books, but they aren't really sold as often as they are given away. So to the letter of the question: No, it is not the best-selling book inthe world.