Hello . I am new here.....I HAVE NEW LIGHT.

by TheTruthWillMakeYouFree 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheTruthWillMakeYouFree

    Tater-T - I hope this double life really helps to keep my family members....

  • Londo111

    Your goal is noble. Be careful though. Read Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan and give it serious thought in your efforts to help your friends and family. Many of us have made a few mistakes not understanding the deep rooted nature of mind control.

  • Londo111

    Oh--and welcome!

  • TheTruthWillMakeYouFree

    thanks for that..i will reed the book

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Do yourself a favour and set a time limit now. A cut off date when you will leave regardless. I stayed too long trying to help people, caused myself more pain and stress and they shun me now anyway.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Ah, to be 17 again.

    ^ and that!

  • Tater-T

    I'm a good actor too... try to have fun with it ... maybe over the top on the Truth... or go with oh close the end is till they talk you down .. but don't let them get you down.. good luck

    My sister is the only one in and my mom is out but 'in' in her head... every relationship she is in is ended (she says she doesn't attend cuz she didn't want to be waiting in line for the next elders wife to die, only to make him oatmeal).. .. her strict bible fear values won't budge ..

    so I feel for you..


  • diamondiiz


    In my country we dont have "apostates"

    What country is that? You may not know of apostates but they're there. Apostates aren't just the people who hold sign outsign of convention protesting the watchtower but any xJW who doesn't believe the bullshit anymore. 99% of us don't hold signs nor would we waste our time in such a way.

    Good luck on your hope of getting your family out but at your age make sure you put your future ahead of that idea. Get education, so you can have the most opportunities in your future.

  • TheTruthWillMakeYouFree

    I am sure..that country is small and the jw are so little so we know everything about ... so if I tell you which they allready will know who I am..

  • ziddina


    "Nooo" lite - again...

    Now where did I put my sunglasses???


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