Flipper and wifey, you two sound like pros!!!! I'm staying away from you.
Who Here Play Words With Friends Or Scrabble?
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
MINIMUS- Well bro, it's really about getting lucky by drawing great combinations of letters also. We aren't THAT good. But we have fun with it. A good learning game. LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I love Scrabble and play against the robot, so I've noticed that the robot never gets the two blank squares and some of those words the robot gets away with sounds kinda suspect to me !
I absolutely love playing scrabble, my boyfriend hates it so I do it online. I play Words with Friends on Facebook and on my Ipad, I need to find new people to play with. Any takers LOL.
I am a shut in, in the winter so I need stuff to keep my mind busy. The problem with playing scrabble everyday is that you get better at it and I keep losing partners as I keep winning. I need a new challenge ;-)
Hey folks, I was wondering if I could get advice on this game. I play off of Facebook on my work computer and at home on my ipad. On the ipad, it keeps shutting down.i have removed and reinstalled a number of times, will work for a few minutes, then shuts down....any suggestions?????
James Brown
I play scrabble on face book.
It is addictive.
Right now, I have 16 games going on.
I do spend a lot of time on it.
I play Words with Friends on my Kindle at night. It locks up on me often.
But I still play!