Wendy Tucker was put on public reproof at 13 years old for rebelling against her Jehovah's Witness upbringing. She alledges her JW elder father beat her terribly, actually breaking her nose for not wanting to follow the dictates of The Watchtower Organization. He destroyed and threw out practically everything she owned as a young girl and he physically abused her to the point that the state of Florida took her into custody at age 14. Wendy's early years growing up in a Jehovah's Witness family is a constant reminder of how unloving JW parents can be to their own children Wendy is now speaking out about how evil and cruel the Watchtower Organization is...... She is our guest on the Six Screens of The Watchtower Conference call Sat. Jan 28, 2012 7pm. est. Just dial... 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use # 9925. Wendy's life has been turned upside down by the cruel teachings of the Watchtower and she wants them exposed! She is a very aggressive, active apostate and outright militant in her strategy to publicly exposing The WT. ORG. Wendy's passion and commitment has earned her a program of her own on The Six Screens tele -network. "The Hens Pen" "Where the chicks get a chance to chat." Coming in Feb. 2012 Warning: The stories told by our guests and callers at times are disturbing and troubling. Some say shocking and upsetting The moderator of The Six Screens conference call elects this format because it is very effective in helping people find out what the Watchtower is hiding behind. We attempt to help active Jehovah's Witnesses to see at least one flaw concerning how unloving Watchtower policies are and hopefully they will see more flaws and exit this dangerous and destructive organization. " NO FLUFF JUST SHOCK" Take the giant step, cross the threshold and dial in to this uninhibited, potent conference call. May the Six Screens insolate you from the evils of The Watchtower!
JW publicly reproved at 13, cruelly beaten and put into state custody!
by koolaid-man 36 Replies latest jw friends
Cross the "thresh hole"? What on earth is one of those? Credibity takes a dive - again! Sensationalistic rubbish ... again!
Insolate? Who's your proof reader? Do you have one?
Threshold corrected, insolate seems ok, THANK YOU hotspur.
Hey we can work good as a team.
You can work good as a team. As long as your sexual orientation is straight. If any other, you can go to hell.
"The Hens Pen" "Where the chicks get a chance to chat."
Oh God.
It's insulate btw.
"The Hens Pen" "Where the chicks get a chance to chat." Coming in Feb. 2012
The hens pen for the 'chicks' eh? BAAAHAHAHAHAHAWWW!!! The 50's were a long time ago, man!
Holy crap, what an assclown!
Do you slap waitresses on the ass when they walk by?
Thank you Sapphy, insulate is right. I don't remember seeing that word on the written review.
Well I will listen in ...Just so as I can decern weather it is true or not.
Cant believe hearsay!!! so must judge for myself....
" Oh the gift that God have give us to see ourselves as others see us"
Use our OWN eyes & ears to listen....Mouthy Granny Grace
But you didn't call in.
Just call in, IM. Just call!!!
If you do, make it into the 'hen room' and see how the ladies like it.