These are all so tragic.
I worked for 20 years with victims of violence - mostly when they were children. A few had tried to committ suicide before they came to work with me. But in 20 years working with a high risk population like victims of childhod abuse not one made an attempt. And I worked with them specifically regarding the abuse. Over the 20 years I saw probably 500 men and women either in individuual counseling or in group work. These people were considered high risk and most had seriously considered it. Only 1 tried while I was working with her and I was able to get her help before she hurt herself.
I was in the JWs for 22 years. I saw more suicides and attempts connected with the JWs than I saw in my practice. Wow I never saw it that way before.
6 JWs (myself included) vs 1 incest survivor
It pains me to know that so many of you have had such negative experiences and especially those of you who were personally involved. My heart goes out to all of you. Thanks for sharing