Getting JWs To Think By Using Their Own Tactics On Them.

by Island Man 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe134cd
    Oh that was funny. I enjoyed that.
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Thanks for all the responses.

    steve2: You credit JWs with the ability to dispassionately weigh up the householder's answers. Good luck!
    It might work if the JW has a reasonable level of flexibility in their thinking. Unfortunately, they will more than likely view anyone else speaking that way as being "arrogant and closed-minded".

    You're probably right, steve2. But the way I look at it: If blatant examples of JW reasoning can be used by a householder to reject the JW message without the JW noticing the error of JW reasoning then such a JW is willfully blind and deserves to be in the dysfunctional, dystopian Watchtower environment.

  • stuckinarut2

    I LOVE IT!!

    I now want to go somewhere no one knows me, just to try this out!!

    Great thread!

  • whathehadas

    Sounds clever but I think you will tip off that you were or had association with the JWs. How many Christian religions interpret the scriptures the same as them? A dead giveaway would be using Proverbs 4:18

  • steve2

    I am very open to evidence that contradicts my own conclusions. I also admire anyone who is willing o use more thoughtfully creative approaches to dialoguing with the Witnesses!

  • ivanatahan

    I gotta say, if you use this tactic, you might end up making them simply leave the door. I'm thinking that if you somehow are able to make them come back by saying that you're only "kidding", then you could justify it by saying "I just wanted to demonstrate how JWs like you defend their faith", and hopefully they'll pay enough attention to hear that, and you could make them think.

    It may sound like nonsense, but being away from a JW mindset of a while made me forget how JWs think.

  • Crazyguy
    I have used their own publications with no avail. I had a couple of elders over when I was having doubts and used a quote in the old Truth book about truth and even one false hood destroys the whole thing. (not sure of the exact quote) but they just side step it. Their so delusional that is the true religion of god nothing works. The scripture at Isaiah 43 seals the deal I guess and when the average JW is so stupid then their easily deceived.
  • EdenOne

    It's a funny idea, but hard to master and not give away that you're really an ex-JW. I'd like to hear about it when someone actually does this.


  • stuckinarut2
    As Barney said "challenge accepted"!

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