My cousin is an uber witness and elder and has been for 35+ years. He has a daughter and son-in-law in Bethel and a daugther and son in law that are pioneers and one daughter who is "on the fence" about the whole religion. His sister is an inactive JW for 35+ years and her husband is a deacon at the local episcopalian church. I found out that the four of them and my cousin's dad are going on a trip together to southern CA and Palm Springs. How can it be okay for an elder to be socializing with a deacon from another church? Isn't this grounds for disfellowshipping??
How can this situation be okay?
by Lynnie 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nope. It might not be prudent (in the view of the WT) but there are no hard and fast rules about not associating with family members who hold office in other religions.
edited to add: It can be viewed as hypocritical. JWs condemning other religions as part of Satan's organization and then going out and hob-nobbing with said religious member.
I get the angst, but being a JW and actually upholding every aspect of it is two different things and it's hard to find a single JW that doesn't rationalize their actions versus their indoctrinated beliefs.
Mr. Falcon
No. It should be. It is merely a technicality loophole that is being exploited. Similar experience with us. My wife and I associate regularly with a ex-JW (inactive) relative of mine. But my big mouth devout MIL attacked us on those grounds. My wife bravely retorted, "Well you regularly hang out with your brother (an ex-JW inactive meth addict living in sin)" to which Her Hoginess flat out DENIED it. so i reminded her that "why yes, he was here just a week ago. He poured me a shot of vodka in YOUR kitchen WHERE YOU WERE STANDING NOT 10 FEET AWAY."
her response? "Oh, well that was an anniversary party and he's family...."
Mr. Falcon
I get the angst, but being a JW and actually upholding every aspect of it is two different things and it's hard to find a single JW that doesn't rationalize their actions versus their indoctrinated beliefs.
well bloody said, UC.
Make A great story for the District or Circuit assembly,
how he converted his brother-law A deacon in the
Episcopalian Church.
probably worse to go with the inactive sister than the deacon husband, LOL
Well his sister, my cousin told me 35 years ago that you could leave the JW's at any time if you didn't want to be a JW anymore. Well that worked for her but not for me, I had elders stalking me two years later after I moved away from home to get away from them. I'll never understand how she could escape unscathed and I got the worst sanctions ever. But I do find it interesting that they are all traveling and staying together. I wonder how my elder cousin justifies it? Even though she's not df'd she is very inactive and I thought that was taboo to associate with anyone that was inactive.
Who could ever follow absolutely all the rules and guidance the Watchtower gives anyway? Most give up mentally at some point or go mad trying.
He can always say he is using the situation as an opportunity to witness...
*wrong thread*...sorry..