ok i don't get why at the end neo is suddenly inmmune to the bulletts of the agents and why they take him to see the orelca at all?
just seen the matrix for the first time
by highdose 20 Replies latest jw friends
The matrix isnt "real".... He was shot and killed (or so smith believed) in the virtual world. The net effect would normally be that his mind was killed in the real or physical world. Imagine a video game that is played directly in your mind. If u die in the game you die in real life.
Neo was shot and killed in the "game", the matrix. Here is where symbolisum takes over. Throughout the movie they talk about how being "the one" is something you cant decide. You are "the one" when you realize it. Its zen/eastern philosophy... Trinity realized she loved him and that was an identifying mark of him being "the one". She expressed her love to his supposedly lifeless body and he was reborn. His heart was shown to start beating again, as the love of a woman will do for a guy ;-)
He was reborn in that moment as "the one". The rules of the game, or the matrix, no longer applied to him. He could remake the matrix as he saw fit. So when he was reborn and they shot at him again, he decided to stop the bullets (more zen but not nessary to understanding).
The movie is a blend of zen and christian philosphosies as neo also equates with the mesiah of christianity... Note the death and rebirth as a more Powerful being among other themes.
And why take him to the oracle...? Every relucant hero needs a guide. Luke had obiwan... Its a recuring mythilogical theme :-) She didnt choose him, rather set on the path to enlightenment, to realizing he was "the one". It also provides one of the keys to the movie... My personal favorite line.. "do not try to bend the spoon for that would be impossible. Instead only try to reconize the truth. (neo) what truth? (boy) there is no spoon"
There is no spoon. There is no faithful slave. There is no organization. The end isnt comming. On my darkest days that phrase carried me through. Reminding myself there is no spoon. Once you grasp the concept, all else is clear.
He was reborn in that moment as "the one". The rules of the game, or the matrix, no longer applied to him. He could remake the matrix as he saw fit. So when he was reborn and they shot at him again, he decided to stop the bullets (more zen but not nessary to understanding).
Yeah. The Oracle told Neo, "You got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something." When he asks, "What?" She says, "Your next life, maybe. Who knows? That's the way these things go." That pretty much set the stage for the metaphorical rebirth.
There's some mild Christian overtones too. Humans are enslaved and need to be saved. The one who can save them is someone foretold. Jesus at one point indicated that walking on water or even moving a mountain was simply a matter of faith. Similarly, being "The One" was a matter of truly believing it.
Of course mixing Platonic philosophy, Greek mythology, postmodenism and Eastern thought with Christian theology upsets most Christians, (Like it always does) but it did create a story that appeals at many levels.
Too bad a JW will think that the Matrix is the world and that they have the truth. LOL
The whole "Oracle" thing doesn't make sense in the context of just the first movie. It demonstrates that, even breaking from bondage, people are still captives of faith, belief, and superstition.
Accept that the oracle is needed for the plot of the entire trilogy and remember that it's just a movie. Despite many excellent analogies to the lies of religion or some other systems, it's just a movie. When you need a miracle or a tragedy in a movie, you get one no matter how little sense it makes to life outside of the movie.
People laugh, but the Disney movie, TANGLED is a better closer fit with the world that born-in JW's think they live in and how it's not lined up with reality.
I'm not laughing. Tangled is a good fit.
Hey highdose!
There is a link to a website analysing the movie in this thread:
Trivia question; after the Nebudchadnezzar is destroyed by sentinels, Morpheus says something like "I had a dream but now the dream is gone from me"
I swear that's a direct reference to King N, is it not?
Hey Twitch!
I'm a MATRIX newbie and hope a MATRIX buff can help.