It is amazing.....the lessons that a witness DOESN'T learn over time. A friend of mine (well......more of a former friend since I don't go to the KH anymore) and I were talking one day. We got to discussing the poor plight of a certain man in our congregation that was now 75 years old and still cleaning floors for a living because he never saved for retirement. And he never saved any $ because he thought the "end" was coming decades ago. Then the conversation turned toward us today. I mentioned my 401k and my personal IRA. My friend looked dumbfounded. He couldn't believe I had TWO. I then asked him about his retirement fund and he smiled and said "the company contributes $ into it for me". I said "ok....but how much do they contribute?" He said "2 percent". I did the math with a retirement calculator and showed him that 2% compounded over the next 30 years simply won't be enough. He got a look of irritation on his face and said "the end is going to be here WAY before that!"
I wanted to choke him. Here we were lamenting the economic disaster that faced this 75 year old man because he didn't plan for retirement. This man's FAITH prevented him from planning for his future. friend was making the EXACT SAME MISTAKE!
I told him "But that's the same reasoning so and so had....and NOW look at him!"
All my friend said in return was "yeah but that was a long time ago. We are SO much closer to the end now"
Sad. It really is