Really,...What is he doing? Does he go to all his meetings and comment at them? And if he does, what do they call him? "Brother had a comment?"
The brother formerly known as Prince?
Does he go out on service? What would you do if you saw him at your door without his spandex or his high heeled boots? Would you go ahead and take the mags. because its him?
What about the book study? That has got to be a real trip. Could you imagine him going to someones home every week? There has got to be photographers all over him (from at least the gossip newspapers).
Or do you think he gets a free pass for bookstudy because he's Prince?
Why do you think he bacame a witness? Was it that he's going through what a lot of rich and famous people go through? the feeling of "emptyness" because you have no spiritual life?
These are probably stupid things to talk about, but I just got up this morning wondering about how he's doing as a Jw.
Anyone in his hometown or Congo?
I tell you though, a pool party at his house has got to be 'da Bomb!
..."hey everyone..Prince said that after service this morning we can all go to his house...yippeeee!!"