One sick-O needs to be put down.

by jam 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jam

    For those that have not heard about Mr.Mark Berndt, A

    third- grade teacher who is charged with committing

    lewd acts on 23 boys and girls 6 to 10 between 2005

    and 2010 where he taught for more than 30 years.

    A game was played were he would blind-fold the kids

    and give the kids (sick) A spoon with his semen. This guy

    needs to put down. The Miramonte Elementary school in L.A

  • LostGeneration

    Sometimes I wish that hell did exist...

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    If convicted, put him in general population and let the wolves have at him.

  • ProdigalSon

    His penis should be berndt to a crisp while fully conscious.

  • jam

    What,s so disturbing about the case, a year ago the

    teacher was suspected of photographing children in

    class for sexual thrills. Berndt was removed from classwork

    in Jan, 2011 and fired within the month, but only parents

    of children identified as victims were told. Bail set $23 million.

  • stuckinamovement

    They should cut him up one piece at a time. A gunshot is too humane for this piece of shit. There are too many of these bastards around. Why waste taxpayer resources housing and feeding these animals?

  • jam

    Stuckina: The kicker, because he filed the necessary papers

    before he was fired, he will receive $40.000 A year retirement

    benefits and medical for life,and we have to pay to house this


  • its_me!

    Prodigal Son-------- Bwaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!! That was a good one!

    Editing to post about topic. He gave spoons full of his semen to blind-folded children? Makes my stomach turn, and I really do hope that he never sees the light of day again. It seems like someone who could do that is not someone that could be reformed. And even if they could, should they be released back into the population again? I hope that there is counseling made available for all the children who had to suffer at his hands. There will be lifelong struggles that they will all have to face are ones that they will need help to cope with.

  • ScenicViewer

    Jam said,

    The kicker...he will receive $40.000 A year retirement benefits and medical for life...

    In addition to that he will be a very expensive prisoner to keep since he will have to be given special treatment in prison to insure his safety. It would be nice to let the general population of inmates have at him, but unfortunately there are laws that will protect him.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    The $40.000 that he recives should go to pay for his stay in the goverment facility.

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