Was Your Experience As A Jehovah's Witness Good In Any Way?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I was raised as a Witness. I could've been raised as a Catholic but my mother's side of the family came into "The Truth" when i was an infant. I do believe that because of my upbringing, I was a more honest person. I was a very responsible young man and viewed by Witnesses and non Witnesses as a " good" person.

    I totally disagree with most of their understanding of the Bible, it's prophecies,etc. I believe the Organization has become more Pharisee like than ever. I even think that the religion is pretty dumb.

    Still, I think (and my dear 85 year old mother agrees) that my religious upbringing made me the "good" person that I am today.

    i'd like your thoughts on this, please.

  • undercover

    You could've been raised Catholic and been just as "good" a person, if not better. There's good and bad in all religions. You just happened to be one of the good people... as far as we know you

  • N.drew

    Still, I think (and my dear 85 year old mother agrees) that my religious upbringing made me the "good" person that I am today.

    I agree minimus. The religion can make someone a better person more so than other religions like undercover said. The reason why I think is it teaches people to view themselves inside and also recommends people to consider that what we do and say can have a positive or negative effect on other people.

    I compare it to Buddhist, but add God. If they had added God along with Christ (instead of making themselves the christ) it might have worked wonders.

    The way it is I believe they work more evil than good. But for me, I would not have given up the experience, if I had a conscious choice ,because I understand much more than before.

  • its_me!

    Agreeing with Undercover on this one. People are individuals, and no matter the raising, there are good and bad in every family, religion, ethnicity, nation, etc. You are probably a good person just because that is you!

  • cedars

    Minimus, this is a worthy topic, and I've pondered along similar lines myself many times. I guess you will never really know how you would have turned out WITHOUT the JW influence in your early life, because that never happened. Sure, many non-Witness teenagers may be delinquents or rebels, but then there are likely an equal number who are nice, decent and law-abiding. They managed to turn out that way without a JW-upbringing, so who's to say you couldn't have?


  • minimus

    I see both sides. But I do think specifically, my parental (mom) influence made me a better person. I personally know of many JWs that REALLY were "bad" before they were JWs and they became humble, less prone to violence, nicer persons, all the way around.

  • N.drew

    Before I was a Jehovah's Witness I had no anchor. I think that being Jehovah's Witness did not make me more humble, less prone to violence or nicer but it made me think about the future. So when I think about the future and how I affect other people, then I remember that what I decide for myself today has an impact on tomorrow. And what I do or don't do can make the future better or worse for myself and the people I love. It seems like that lesson does not need to be learned. And it's true. But everyone does not grow up learning it.

  • JeffT

    My time as a JW has contributed a ton of material to a novel I'm writing.

  • Fernando

    Deep down most folk "ignore the loonier aspects of their" particular religion, and take on board the good. I guess this is the struggle between the dual identities Steven Hassan speaks of in his book "Releasing the Bonds" (cult self/identity versus authentic self/identity).

    On the surface though most folk go along with "group think" due to peer pressure and fear of the consequences like loss of community and credibility within the group.


    Submitted by KentMcManigal on May 21, 2009.

    "Individuals of every persuasion deserve respect when they earn it; religions do not. I am sure than many Muslims are fine people precisely because they ignore the loonier aspects of their faith, just like the Christians must do in order to be decent people."

  • wisdomfrombelow

    Being raised a witness I learned to not be afraid of being different and to stand up for what I believe in. I learned to reason on the bible and had exposure to older, wiser adults as a youngster.

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