Not for anyone but elders ;-) - the elders received this document during the last series of elder schools. Not to be shared with anyone. It tells you how well you should not cooperate and rather let your children die and even if there is a court order to continue harassing doctors. After all, you wouldn't want to lose your good graces with Gawd
How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood - S-55-E 9/10
by Anony Mous 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
Mickey mouse
Thanks Anony Mous
I'll see If I can access; could not see above.
Anony Mous
All of a sudden the above images started showing up in here. I don't know what happened.
I remember being shocked at reading this when others posted it last year.
It goes BACK to quoting Deut: 12:23-25:
"Be firmly resolved not to eat the blood...that it may go well with you".
This idea was abandoned YEARS ago, that blood transfusions are the same as eating blood.
Whoever wrote this is not concerned about the document agreeing with all of the written material about blood.
Blood will not feed anyone; the analogy is flawed.
I wish every witness could see in bold print the encouragement to keep the resurrection hope to themselves as it may make them appear unreasonable.
Ya think?
It is amazing, that this most supreme sacrifice - greater than ones own life - is expected as a minimal requirement of all J W parents and not a heroic exemplary thing to do.
In italics, the WTS tells parents to keep badgering the physicians about blood, even after a court decision is rendered.
Before, JWs were "relieved" to follow Ceasar and accept a court's decision. Now, the WTS tells parents to keep fighting it. Nothing a parent or child does is without the WTS control.
Thankyou so much for sharing these Anony Mous. Hubby and I are putting together as much as we can on 'the blood issue' right now. This a big help. Thanks!
[still JWs, . . . at the mo]
There was a situation in my family a while back that shows the irony of elders telling OTHERS to continuously fight before, during, and after court ordered blood. The baby was born needing blood to survive. The doctor immediately obtained the order, transfused the child and all went well. The couple put up NO resistance except to explain their views BEFORE the blood transfusion. No arguments were made during or afterward.
The iriony is this: this babys father is an ELDER who told me seceretly that he was VERY glad the court took the decision out of their hands. He was thrilled that his child had the lifesaving treatment and they were guilt - free! Win, win.
Am I the only one who smells hypocracy???