How do the Jehovah's Witnesses understand the narrative of the Bible/themselves?

by Aaron Eldridge 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Aaron Eldridge
    Aaron Eldridge

    I'm trying to get my head around a basic overview of how the Jehovah's Witnesses understand the narrative flow of Scripture and their own history within that. To me this provides a good general framework from which most of their theology flows. This is a brief sketch that I have done off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty things that I'm missing, perhaps even major oversights. What thing should be added?

    • Story of the Bible for JW's
    • Hebrew Scriptures
    • Earth created as Paradise, man is created to care for it. Man is intended to live forever.
    • Man sins. God punishes man by death and death becomes inherited.
    • God puts in place a temporary sacrificial system of sacrifice to atone for sins.
    • God chooses a people, the nation of Israel.
    • Christian Greek Scriptures
    • Christ came as 'Second Adam'/ another perfect man to atone for the sins of Adam.
    • God welcomed in 144,000 to be his new chosen people, a.k.a. Spiritual Israel.
    • The early church fell into apostasy after the death of apostles.
    • 1914 Christ rule in heaven began, the Kingdom is established.
    • 1918 God chose a people, the Intl. Assoc. of Bible Students/ aka Jehovah's Witnesses.
    • Near Future
    • Armageddon/ Great Tribulation/ Judgment of Mankind.
    • 1000 year rule of Christ begins, Satan is bound.
    • Resurrection
    • Earth reworked into Paradise.
    • 1000 years ends, Satan is released, Jehovah takes over ruling.
    • Final tempting by Satan, majority of man apostatizes.
    • Final judgment, Satan is destroyed, apostates annihilated..
    • Survivors live forever on Paradise Earth.
  • Tater-T

    pretty much it .. you going to sign up for the free in home Bible study.. LOL don't do it it is a big waste of time

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I believe it is important to add that Jesus' role is vastly inferior to his role in mainstream Christianity. Either groups who practice Arianism don't believe the transfer of energy from Michael to Jesus to whatever I am never quite sure. Their view of Christology defines them as Jehovahists, not Christians.

    Their view of Christology defines them as Jehovahists, not Christians.....BOTR

    In Watchtower World..

    Jehovah = The Watchtower

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are WatchTards..

    This JW just recieved his "Tard" from the Kingdom Hall..

    When his face returns to normal..

    He`ll have to go back to the Kingdom Hall to get Re-Tarded


  • N.drew

    Haha OUTLAW! LOL!!

    Earth created as Paradise, man is created to care for it. Man is intended to live forever.

    I understood that man was to extend the paradise to fill the Earth. His job was not to sustain paradise, but to accomplish it. That is how I understood it.

  • thetrueone

    How do the Jehovah's Witnesses understand the narrative of the Bible/themselves?

    Through the corrupt maligning misinformation they are taught by the WTS. corporation's editorial writers.

    Unfortunately this corruption is passed on from one group of men to another as a means of sustainability.

    In other words lies evolving into other lies, transcribed through published works.

  • Aaron Eldridge
    Aaron Eldridge

    @ band on the run

    Yeah, that was a pretty big oversight on my part. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Aaron Eldridge
    Aaron Eldridge

    @ N.Drew

    Thanks for your comments, the clarification helped. I went and looked up a recent watchtower article which I believe it marries the two ideas together, granted there is more emphasis placed on what you said. Definitely an error on my part and I sincerely appreciate your help! Here is the article below:

    *** w08 4/1 pp. 10-11 Will Our Earth Ever Be Destroyed? ***

    God's Purpose for the EarthIt was never God's purpose that the earth be abused and polluted as it is today. Instead, God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and placed them in a beautiful garden. Of course, their Paradise home would not have remained beautiful on its own. God assigned them "to cultivate it and to take care of it." (Genesis 2:8, 9, 15) What delightful and satisfying work God gave to our once perfect parents!

    But God's purpose for the earth involved much more than caring for that original garden. He wanted the whole earth to be transformed into a paradise. That is why God gave this command to Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth."-Genesis 1:28.

  • extractor

    Help. According to Watchtower nonsense Jesus was Michael, Man, then Michael again (currently)? Was he also the Son in all 3 incarnations?

    (I feel stupid even having to write such twaddle.)


  • Aaron Eldridge
    Aaron Eldridge

    @ Extractor

    I wouldn't give you as clear as an answer or some other people on this form could. You probably would do better starting your own topic, that way it would be more visible and you would get some responses. Also, there have been plenty of topics about Michael/Jesus in the past, so you may want to use this sites search function to look at past post

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