The Specialness Of Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I figured out why many people become JWs or remain in the religion. They actually believe that they are special! They look down on everyone else because they alone are God's people. They go to mindless meetings and ineffective field service for no other reason than they think it wins points with Jehovah. They waste their time, their lives for the trade off of hoping to live forever as God's only chosen people.

    How pathetic.

  • shamus100

    Of course they do, Minimus. ;) Those cheap suits make you feel so important too....

    It's good to get rid of that superiority complex once and for all and realize that you are no better than anyone else.

  • Tater-T

    they have a University edumaction from the years of Watchtower studying .. so they are really smart too.. plus they save lives form this wicked system.. they are just like JESUS in so many ways.. it's amazing

  • shamus100

    It's just like being in university with all those meetings don'tcha know.... (so says the boasters).... PPPPPPHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... hahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!


    You don`t love Jehovah..So your all going to Die!..

    Thinking about it makes me Giggle..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • jay88

    Why not live as the Quakers, if you don't want to be apart of this world?

    Why indulge in all the luxuries that technology(Satan's World) has to offer?

    How about getting all 7 million followers together (with your Billion Dollar estate) and show the world how we are suppose to live?

    Where are your Jehovahs Witness Trade/Vocational Schools,...(other than quick builds or the ones running the printing presses and those who supporting those who run the printing presses?)

    The poor donating to the WorldWideWork is giving to the "Rich" = Corporate Welfare

  • cantleave

    They are special alright......

    I'm tired of pretending I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total bitchin' rock star from Mars

  • Bangalore

    They think they are part of a very important organization and that the whole world is out to get them. However they are viewed by many as a small not so important sect, not a big deal at all. The WT overstates its own importance.


  • Azazel

    There is such a broadness of "special". Which are JWs?

    Special because they alone have an OT Gods name and an expression "witnesses" from that text as their name alone. I remember a smart arse at the door when i said to him i was a JW he said what did you see him do? lol NOW.

    Special because they are the only "Christian" religion on earth that doesnt worship Jesus as we were meant to. (My Opinion)

    Special because they are the target of the worlds attention! ive met 30 year olds who had never heard of JW in Australia.

    Special because they are holier than tho?

    Special because the GB tell them that the GB are special and should be worshipped - oops! i mean worship Jehovah.( When you read WTS material just substitute "Jehovah" with GB because thats what alot of their material is really talking about.)

    Or just plain special like in a bottle at a University because they had two heads!

    Im special because im a goat and i can type.

    Az if im special?

  • Broken Promises

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