Welcome to JWN! Don't worry about the jw paradise, because it's not real anyway. The more you learn the truth about the "truth", you'll be able to relax and have bits of your version of paradie in every day life.
Is it really paradise?
by tootired2care 14 Replies latest jw friends
I had to laugh because when I was a true believer, the thought of attending all those meetings forever used to made me cringe.
Yea it amazes me that they expect us to spend just about every ounce of our free time involved in some theocratic activity and expect us to be joyful and happy! I think most put on a face because they keep saying we're in the "last of the last days". I wonder how many really buy it, and after 15 years of hearing that we're still here. It's cruel that they expect us to maintain this heavy burdened lifestyle year after year under the framing that the end is right here when they have no idea when it will actually come. Whats more is that now they want family heads to make up there own meetings (family worship) as if we didn't have enough on our plates already!
TOOTIREDTOCARE- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. I too was born in and raised a Jehovah's Witness from birth. Stopped attending over 8 years ago at age 44. You are right, it makes no sense to pray for " holy spirit " if it has no visible effect on our lives. The end never comes for the WT society. The " time of the end " is just one long overlapping multiple generation type experience which has lasted 131 years since the WT magazine was first printed. Since the dictionary definition of generation is about 25 to 30 years in length - the WT society has been saying " this generation " will see " the end " for 131 yrs. or over 4 or more generations ! Think about it.
Also- I didn't enjoy meetings and service either. I would have rather slept in on Saturdays & Sundays ! Lead a real life ! It's good you are here. We understand what you're going through. Take care, and hang in there
Good point flipper that generation change just felt like a big CYA to keep the millions from dropping the heavy burdens because the end hasn't come yet as soon as I heard it. They should be telling folks to live a good and balanced life that is sustainable and admit that they have no freaking clue when the end is going to come and stop this insanity!
Case and point; the other week this brother commented how in 2011 there were most 7.0 earthquakes ever recorded. A quick check of USGS showed differentely last year there was actually less 7.0's than in other years.
Last year they lowered aux pioneer to 30 hours as a special (perhaps never to be repeated activity is how they sold it), now guess what they are doing this year :) It just floors me how they give no regard to life balance just burn yourself out, blame your stress on "this system of things" and then pray for holy spirit to assist you!
Your questions are great. Keep asking them - then research the answers and be very suspicious of answers that refer to a perfect "god. "
When I was a JW, many of my questions centred around the seemingly "natural" violence in nature. Look at all the creatures whose"design" makes them killing machines. Nature reeks of blood and violence, is rapacious.
The JWs' wishful and flimsy reframing of nature as a paradise that is lovey-dovey and cute goes down well with simpletons, but active brain cells detect flaws the way an active alarm detects burglars. Besides, I could not contemplate a world of endless harmony - the threat of tedium would suffocate me if I lived in a world where every creature is in harmony with every other creature. I still cannot imagine a world where house flies would be welcome guests and I doubt that any "Creator" of note would have designed a flea. I'm itching even thinking about it. Keep asking questions - faith cannot acommodate them but science can!