Hello "wanna believe"......
I too live in a very small town knowing everyone and spent my whole life inside til 14 years ago. My husband and I were actually dfd for standing up to them and trying to share what holy spirit showed us to reveil they were not who they say they are nor teach truth.
We knew we would be thrown out but not without a huge witness aginst them, whether or not they chose to see it at the time or not. Somewhere, sometime, someONE WILL and it will all be worth it for us! Our three sons have now all grown up and we are truly blessed as parents to still have god-fearing children who do normal things but are good kids. We never blamed Jah for this was our choice at some point in our life to make the "so-called " truth our own after we grew up in the org. We now read the Bible as a mirror and not a window for the WTBS and boy do things open up when you see what they profess and yet what they actually are doing. After all, don't they call themselves "the truth" with true israel leading a great crowd of sheep and are in a covenant for only them.
John 14-17 really helped us see and give way more credit to our lord and master than we were ever taught. Everything was jehovah and not much about the HUGE role Jesus plays.
Jeremiah and the other prohets' writings were a real eye opener. And always remember they taught us to be able to supposedly worship not needing a structure (visible temple) something they totally rely on WTBS. But to walk by faith, not sight, worship with Spirit and Truth, keep our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, the kingdom of the heavens. They also told us only 144,000 can eat and drink and be in the new covenant. NOT TRUE! They shut up the kingdom by preaching this. Matthew 23;13
John chapter 6 says different. So does 1Corinthians 10:1-5. ONE HOPE, One FAITH One Baptism.
We as a family have never been happier to be released from THEIR bondage and to become slaves of a much more loving master and to do HIS will and remain as spiritual virgins without religion. (belonging to another husband,head, owner)