I Would Like To Start A "Special Place In Hell" thread
by watson 12 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like a friendly place...
Dare we name some names?
Hell is heaven & heaven is hell
I believe that religion (the false prophet) has a special place reserved in hell (Gehenna).
"And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur" (Revelation 19:20).
Pharisees (the beastlike ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy) along with Sanhedrin (beastlike Governing Body) members who persist with their "militant ignorance" and "malignant self-righteousness" and hatred of the "unabridged gospel" will be joining the "false prophet" in Gehenna.
The word "persist" makes it rather difficult to name names, but my dear Pharisees I think you may know who you are... Could you just hurry it up a bit for the longsuffering dumb sheeple...
Now if this was meant to be a fun thread, let the fun begin...
There is a special place reserved in hell (Gehenna) for the "oracle of the east coast downunder" unless he has a major change of heart.
My daughter wants that t-shirt. She's becoming quite the activist. I didn't know about Kony until she sent me a link to a video.
I like what your daughter is doing. Sharp.
Dare we name some names?
Levi Wall
There - I said it,,, thanks, Vamp, for saying that. It gave me the courage to say his name.
btw, he's dead.