'allo, Tim mi'ol'duck. 'ow are ya? Missed you on the boards, lad!
Just rest assured that when your friend wakes up we'll all be here to hear her story and help her.
In the mean time you can see how her head is in scratched record mode.
To her, the WBT$ cannot be wrong. Everyone and everything else is wrong. Even when the WBT$ is wrong they're NOT! It's everyone and everything else that's wrong, not the WBT$.
She seems very sweet bless her. On the one hand she's so feeble that she can't escape the WBT$ 'mind cleansing' and on the other hand I have four fingers and a thumb...........no wait.............on the other hand she can't shun you because she's feeble. Bless her ol'cotton socks 'ay!
Oh, well I feel sorry for her. It must be hell living your life trying to make everything fit into watchtower dubbie dreamland....when actually it can never fit!
Nice to speak again lad!