Awake openly mocked on website...

by Tuesday 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    You apostate scum fail to realize that both you (meaning the scum on this website) and the scum who mocked the Faithful Slave's article on that other site are actually fulfilling prophecy as Peter in his second letter spoke about your ilk, you "ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires." Laugh now, ha ha ha and enjoy the temporary humor it brings you.

  • cedars

    NRFG - Please when you're being sarcastic can you put a smiley like this or this ??

    Lurkers and the like might think you're being serious...


  • N.drew


    It is disappointing to me that light hearted fun can be perceived as a huge insult by some, but a huge insult as nothing by the same people. It is very weird.

    I think the bumper sticker applies (my favorite) "WHERE ARE WE GOING AND WHY AM I IN THIS BASKET?"

    omg I'm not talking about you George! LOL.

    I'm talking about the Watchtower defender on the blog.

  • truth_b_known

    A truly great article. It is priceless!

  • Tuesday

    Have you seen Scott Hall lately?..Jeezus what a train wreck..

    Are you kidding, that was for a promotion I used to work for though back when I worked for them it was called SCCW and YPW. The guy who wrestled him is a good friend of mine, he's a really funny guy so hearing his side of the story is hilarious. Another friend of mine is the one who checked him out of the hospital. Apparently the doctor told Scott Hall "If I could discuss something with you" he said "What do you want to send me to rehab, I've been seven times but I'm happy to go for lucky number eight." I'll be honest the promoter is a bit of a douche at times anyway, I think he should've sent him out for autographs but that's all. Poor guy though, I used to talk with him on Facebook he's a really cool cat.

    I'm in agreement here with Mad, there's no question to me the open mocking is going to cause alot of damage. I think they can point to that scripture "ridiculers coming with their ridicule" all they want, all it takes is time. Right now it's basically "They're a little weird but they're harmless" things like this is "Holy crap they're idiots", but if we can get the "They're nut-jobs and their religion is dangerous" THAT will spell the end.

  • sizemik

    LOL Miz . . . you're not embarrassed are you?

    Yeah were laughing . . . and we'll still be laughing tomorrow . . . the ridiculing of the WTS will be around as long as they are.

    It's in the Bible.

  • Adiva

    Love the African woman texting with fruit on her head.



    In Watchtower World..

    The Internet is becoming a Problem in Igloo`s..


  • 00DAD

    NRFG: "Laugh now, ha ha ha and enjoy the temporary humor it brings you."

    Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure how to respond until you set me straight!!!


  • Magwitch

    Too Funny!

    The comments below that article are hilarious too. Like this one...

    Every time my house melts I have to unplug my router and wait 10 seconds

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