Did you have narrow minded turds as elders/overseers in your congregation? Yup so did I...they're everwhere.
"There was this one time..at band camp"....it was in a hired hall actually...where we used to organise congregation functions like farewells etc. This usually consisted of food...non alcoholic beverages...and some entertainment...usually square dancing and some skits...and a presentation or speech.
At one function a particular elder was offended that the 'Gay Gordon' was one of the dances for the evening...so he promptly left...yup...at the next function it was renamed the 'Happy Gordon'...as his conscience wouldn't allow him to attend otherwise. Another time...one sister thought there was too much food...and so she complained to the organising party and accused everyone of gluttony! This was all true folks. And another occassion...due to the sensitive nature of some members of the 'flock'...the 'rock n roll' was renamed the 6 step!
The music selection also got a fine tuning...opting for instrumental tunes as the lyrics were offensive...you know....ones like the locomotion by Kylie Minogue...too suggestive!! PALEASE!!!
What's your worst case of someone being stumbled??