Don't want to stumble anyone!

by Beck_Melbourne 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Did you have narrow minded turds as elders/overseers in your congregation? Yup so did I...they're everwhere.

    "There was this one band camp" was in a hired hall actually...where we used to organise congregation functions like farewells etc. This usually consisted of food...non alcoholic beverages...and some entertainment...usually square dancing and some skits...and a presentation or speech.

    At one function a particular elder was offended that the 'Gay Gordon' was one of the dances for the he promptly the next function it was renamed the 'Happy Gordon' his conscience wouldn't allow him to attend otherwise. Another sister thought there was too much food...and so she complained to the organising party and accused everyone of gluttony! This was all true folks. And another occassion...due to the sensitive nature of some members of the 'flock'...the 'rock n roll' was renamed the 6 step!

    The music selection also got a fine tuning...opting for instrumental tunes as the lyrics were know....ones like the locomotion by Kylie Minogue...too suggestive!! PALEASE!!!

    What's your worst case of someone being stumbled??


  • chezza

    I got counselled for not speaking to my inlaws and was told i was stumbling a certain sister, yeah right!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey there Chezz

    Chezz there's got to be more to it...I just know it...I can feel it in my that spiritism???

    I once stumbled a sister when I said 'I'm stuffed' out on field 'stuffed' a swear word now? Should've just told her to 'stuff off'.


  • jesussaves

    I was accused of stumbling one of my bible studies, because I went roller skating at a 'worldly venue' right after the meetings let out on Tuesday and Thursday. I would change from my long floral print little house on the prairie gown into my 'daisy dukes' and halter top in my car.

  • ozziepost


    Let's face it, here in Oz just about anything you do could be a cause for stumbling.

    Don't know about other lands, but here in Oz narrow-minded, ignorant, almost illiterate ones abound in the Borg, and some become the leaders! So the R&F are prey to any urban legend, superstition, luddite teaching there is. Sadly the R&F are fed a diet of teaching from these same people.

    How many conventions, assemblies, congregation meeting talks have we heard over the years that have had speakers propound outrageous assertions, things that have nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible. But then, as we pointed out last night, they like second-best! Better the organisation, with Christ as a substitute if the GB are unavailable! (See the March 15 issue of The Watchtower)


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I hear ya Ozzie.....'cept I can't locate my copy of the March 15 Watchtower lol...

    jesussaves...lmao...what a crack up...little house on the prairie cruel were your parents??? not that i can talk...I was still wearing bobby sox and sandles at 15 lol...and daisy dukes....didn't "our" girl Kylie bring those shorts back into fashion Ozzie?? Fashion always stumbles old fuddie duddies.

    After our meetings...we weren't even allowed to listen to the radio on our way home..we had to reflect on the talks blah blah...not when I was a kid either...this was when I was a grown up lol.


  • Gopher

    Once I used the descriptive phrase "Cotton pickin'" which Americans will understand to be a term of disgust. (This was in his home, with only he and his pioneer wife present.)

    Well an elder told me to correct that, because apparently it brought to mind nineteenth-century African-American slavery in the southern United States.

    (I guess I'll use the descriptive phrase God damn from now on then, I thought to myself.)

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • DakotaRed

    Numerous times, elders stumbled me. When I informed them of how I felt and why I was avoiding them and the Kingdom Hall, all I heard was how my absence was stumbling them. Last I heard, not one of them has DA'd, but I did. I figure my DAing must have not only stumbled them, it should have stomped them into the ground. At least, I can hope, can't I?

    I do remember a talk at a Special Assembly where the speaker, I believe a guest speaker from bethel, brought out that if you are stumbled by an elder, then it is all your fault anyway. I do believe that was the last Assembly I attended.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • kheli

    Apparently, I had one earring too many for a certain sister I ran into while I was out in streetwork. She commented on how surprised she was that the elders hadn't talked to me about it yet.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Me too Kheli....I also got both my girls ears pierced when they turned one....that stumbled a sister who thought I should have waited until they were teens. What about weetbix...sanitarium is owned by SDA...we were supporting babylon the great...UNLESS...we changed over to vitawheats! Pathetic!


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