Me Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee

by Tater-T 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outsmartthesystem

    I was once front row and center at a Rush concert.

    Amazing show

    Neil Peart rocks

  • leavingwt

    [I worked at Bethel with a guy from Idaho. His name was S. Crawford. Did you by any chance know him?]

    Nice photos!

  • Tater-T

    @ leavingwt no it doesn't sound familiar.. thanks! I was in the Boise west cong..

  • jaguarbass

    Cool Pictures!

  • shamus100

    I saw the Rolling Stones live. They had to stop every 2nd song for a bathroom break....

    Thank you for reading my off-topic and completely irrelevant comment.

    I like pancakes.

  • iarts

    I saw Rush on their 'A Show Of Hands' tour at Wembley Arena. One of the best concerts I ever saw...

  • ranmac

    I just want you to know, Tater that youre a bastard. I say that out of friendly, jealousy of course. Those are great pics. I finaly got to see them on their Snakes and Arrows tour. It was every thing I imagined. Have you seen the doc that came out about a year ago about them? Theyre amazingly down to earth and level headed which is amazing considering their talent. Definetly tops on my list of musicans Id love to meet. My personal big musician moment was shaking Tom Wait's hand.

  • whereami

    One of my all time fav bands.

    Thanks for the pics.

  • iclone

    One of THE best, three man rock bands ever! I have a buddy that was at a guitar store picking up his guitar from service (a Rickenbacker BASS no less) and Geddy Lee just happened to be there. ( they were on tour) He was super nice, did a BASS solo for everyone in the store and then autographed my buddies Rickenbacker. He will never part with that guitar.

  • Twitch

    Nice pics. Geddy is awesome. Great style and tone. I curse him when trying to cop his riffs, lol

    I like the Wal bass(es) he's used. Not much of a Rick fan myself.

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