I was just wondering what everyone here found the most frustrating to talk to JWs about, list as many as you feel.
What are the most frustrating subjects to talk about with a JW...
by Tuesday 37 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
anything they don't have an answer for from a WT
I don't know as I have such a list.
For me, it's not the subjects themselves that are important, but the attitude.
If I encounter a Kool-Aid drinking JW who doesn't seem to have an original thought of his or her own, any attempt to discuss any subject is frustrating and fruitless -- like trying to have a genuine dialogue with a copy of the latest issue of the Watchtower magazine.
On the other hand, if the JW is willing to explore the facts wherever they may lead, then no subject is especially frustrating.
wha happened?
right on Ding. That attitude is what kills me. As if they have all the answers and the rest of the world is fumbling for them. That cockiness because their info was from a WT, and God talks through the WT, bleh
taking my mother-in-law and another older gal shooping when the subject came up about someone telling them at the door that God killed babies in the bible and that God allows babies to die today. Well hear goes, mother-in-law said "they deserved it" and the other gal said "do you want evil babies around". Me "REALLY do you know any evil babies?" Response of course was silence. That is the short version...still annoys me to think about that subject.
1)Trying to explain that YHWH is not the same as Jehovah (the honor in using a name ...is what that person stands for not some sort of magical
password) (You honor your parents for example by respecting them not by repeating their name like
John or Mary over and over again )
2)To understand that a ratio of JW's of 1 in a thousand is the same as 1% in is not a hight ratio but a very low one
3)That love (kindness from the heart ) is the "perfect bond of union ".. not meeting attendence ,obedience, perfection
or "total unity" in thought or beliefs
4)that the word "Grace' not 'underserved kindness" conveys a kinder, encouraging, and more meanful appeal
5) "your works "are your simply your actions all day long , not field service and meetings
6) While disfellowshipping is Bibical it was only used in extreme cases , not to control people and cut off normal family activities
Why witnesses will trust strangers over their own family members. They accept GB teachings as if coming from god, but if a member researches in detail and chooses not believe GB the majority of families will disown the individuall but will choose the teacings of men whom they've never met, and don't even know how they look like for most part.
Diamondiiz makes a very good point.
I think the anonymous GB are very adept at convincing JWs that they possess the combined good character traits and wisdom of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc. And, of coure, they are the only pipeline and lifeline to Jehovah.
It's hard for family members to compete with that illusion.
Would you say it's discussing the Governing Body or the wrong things the WT says that is difficult?
Anyone here find it difficult to discuss things like the Trinity or maybe Evolution?
It's hard to discuss the GB with JWs because any criticism is seen by the JW as a personal attack against great men. I suppose asking information about their names, how they are selected, and the criteria used for selection might be the best way to generate thinking there without arousing ire and opposition.
The best way I've found to talk about wrong things the WT has said is to ask the JW to read the words out loud from the publications and then to tell them that those words puzzle you and ask them to please help you understand.
Sometimes I will ask, "Do you see why that puzzles (troubles, upsets, etc.) me?" Rarely will they say yes, but if they don't then you can go into more detail about what your issue with it is. As long as you don't start lecturing or trying to teach them anything, you can usually keep some sort of dialogue going... at least plant seeds.
Years ago, JWs used to enjoy discussing hot button issues like the Trinity or evolution with people. Nowadays, those subjects are more likely to be conversation stoppers. The JW will just tell you WT dogma, offer you magazines, and cut off further conversation.
As I said in my earlier post, I think the challenge is to get them to have a real conversation about anything as opposed to simply getting from them the WT-programmed sound bites and sales pitches. Asking non-threatening "please help me understand" questions is usually the best approach, but you have to know what you believe and why or you can end up getting sucked into the WT web. The "we've got answers for everything" system can be very alluring, especially when the JW keeps changing topics so you never get them to deal honestly with issues that might embarrass the organization.