Lol what a funny story!
If you can tolerate irreverent sarcasm - read this! If not - don't!
by AK - Jeff 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dear Tec, despite your undrstandable struggle with the ass kissing, I like the way you explain why many follow Christ.
That was the way I felt whilst in the WT/JW religion, I kind of ignored all the silly bits and just wanted to serve a loving God.I did not care if I made it in to the paradise or not. The problem was they would not let me just serve God, you had to serve the GB in America, God only got a look in after that in some way that I was not fully told.
So, I left.
I am sure that if I were a beliver still in Christ and God I would be " singing from the same hymn sheet" as you.
Thanks for posting the parody Jeff, I had forgotten how good it was.
(some people follow Christ, and so God, out of love and understanding the truth of what Christ taught... that is the point I was trying to make. Not because they're going to get a million dollars if they follow; or an ass-kicking if they don't)
The million dollars, like the rest of the story, is not litteral. What some people get of their belief in God is not necessarilly a future reward - it is often more about the present-day skirt to hold on to. When it's dark outside and you're scared, it's no wonder many would love that reassuring skirt they feel gives them protection and cares for them.