Click Click Click...

by mrsjones5 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mrsjones5

    Went her heels as she approached me in the Walmart parking lot yesterday morning. I'm loading my groceries in the van, thinking about how hungry I am for breakfast and how lovely a cup of coffee would be right about now. I hear the clicking sound and take a peep in the direction it's coming from. I see a woman in a mid-calf length tan plaid skirt topped off with a tan camel haired coat. Oh great a jw. She stops, says good morning and offers me her jw rags. I look at the rags, then I look her in the eye and decline her offer by saying I can get those from my mother. It catches her off guard and she says something to the effect of "that's wonderful" but she doesn't really have a comeback for what I just said. She pauses then says "you have a beautiful coat". I'm still looking at her and I'm slightly smiling when I thank her for the compliment but I offer nothing more. She quickly excuses herself by wishing me a good day and I return the salutation.

    I did have a good day.

  • N.drew

    Oh good! How is your new place?

  • Ding

    I thought you were going to say that she clicked her heels so much she ended up back in Kansas with Toto...

  • mrsjones5

    "Oh good! How is your new place?"

    Thanks for asking N., the place is great. I'm still unpacking and have a great time. My stress level has gone way down.

    That was damn funny Ding.


    Hey Josie!..

    You moved?..

    Farther away from your mom I hope..


  • mrsjones5

    Yep Outlaw we did move a few miles further away. I wish it could have been cross country or at least back to Indiana. I haven't told my mother that we've moved yet. I told my brother, who said he wishes he could move to an undisclosed place away from our mother too, so she might know from him. I've told my brother not to give my addy to my mother. I would like a bit of peace and my hubby would not be happy to see my parents on our doorstep.


    Hey Josie..

    Good for you..

    I was lucky enough to be able to move far away,along time ago..

    I`ve never regreted it..

    Crazy JW Relatives..They never stop..


    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • ShirleyW

    I was wondering if you were going to give mother dear your new phone number, guess not !!

  • mrsjones5

    Oh my number hasn't changed. Still got the same house and cell number. The block on the house number might not be there but my mother doesn't know that. Besides she has my cell number and no she hasn't called that yet.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    or at least back to Indiana

    What part of Indiana? Maybe you'll back there someday :)

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