With the special talk entitled 'Is it later than you think?' coming up, wouldn't it be great to have some flyers made up and distibuted at kingdom halls on the day?! Can you imagine JWs coming out to their car and finding this under the windshield?
Important - campaign idea
by Mickey mouse 16 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yes - but the WTBTS would sue you for copyright infringement...
Would seem like 'Fair Use' to me.
Then again, WT has a team of 'free' lawyers.
Mickey: That cover is priceless, in view of their 'new' talk theme.
I feel the WT is directly telling us apostates that they can do whatever they choose and dish out this trash non stop and be believed - with the title of this talk. This is the first bound volume i "borrowed" from grandma's library, and naming this talk is it latter then you think is well.....brazen!
Notice the wording - "Is time running out for this generation?"
I guess they could try to apply the overlapping generation to 1968 just as easy as they did with 1914...
Does anybody know the date of the special talk in the UK?
Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it!!!!
They can only sue if you get caught in the act.
My local lot are meeting in a village hall at the moment getting to the cars could be tricky. Might work better on a dark Thursday night just before or after the special talk.
Date anyone?
cofty, I think its the sunday right after the memorial talk.
Might need to order some printer ink!