Hello friends, I am a fading JW and I am thinking of attending Sunday service at a local AOG church here, just for fellowship. I have lots of friends but none of them are spiritual minded. Not that I am complaining but it would be nice to meet some spiritual minded people. So it would be helpful if you guys and gals could share your experiences. Thanks in advance.
What do you think of AOG church?
by shallbefree 36 Replies latest jw friends
what's AOG....
Assemblies of God
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
AOG would be one of my last choices. Personally, I'd go with Unitarian.
A friend of mine left AOG after 30 years . . . thought it had become too high-control. My high-control was bigger than his high-control, but from his description, I would give it a miss.
Shallbe.... With respect, being "free" means not caring what we think. If its a fit for you, then enjoy. Try it for a sunday. See how you like it. Sont be afraid to experiance it and like or not.
But let it be your choice. Your freedom :-)
Hey shallbefree!
It may be worth a look as part of the journey, if you can sidestep any Pharisees that may demand to know "where do you fellowship" meaning "when can we sign you up as a member and live in your pocket".
The spirit of religion is at work in all religion. In some cases it can be hidden in others quite pronounced and venomous.
In time however you may come to conclude, as we have, that the "god of religion" and the "God of Abraham" are enemies.
All religion focuses on externalism which is antithetical to authentic and meaningful spirituality. Religion focuses how we can be right with god through our own efforts at following the "right" rules, morals, doctrines and knowledge. This is a Matthew 23 situation (esp v15).
The gospel or "good news" is opposite to religion. It teaches that righteousness and holiness are IMPUTED to all believers by grace (undeserved) kindness, as a free gift. This is a Romans 3 situation.
Religion leads us to religion. The gospel leads us to Jesus - in a living, dynamic, active and authentic spiritual relationship.
We now identify as SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious). We fellowship in organic (natural) faith communities outside organised and institutional religion (falsely referred to as the church of the Bible). To avoid doctrinal squabbles since we come from very different backgrounds and traditions we pursue "unity in Christ" rather than "unity in doctrine".
This video may be of some interest: http://www.site.house2house.com/about-us .
Best wishes on the journey!
oh dear gawd, they are like the Pentecostals and BTW, they df. Pentecostals are disguising their churches under non-denominational churches around here-they have such a bad reputation. AOG are similar. Run IMHO
Thank you friends for all your comments. I truly appreciate them. The last thing I want is to be controlled by any religious org. I will attend this Sunday and see how it goes. Thanks again.
Guest with Questions
I agree with elderelite. You have to check it out for yourself.
The AOG is Pentecostal. We have been attending a Pentecostal church here in Canada for about 9 years. Even though I disagree with a couple of things I believe it's a good church. There will always be something in any church/denomination that you may disagree with. I have no problem with any church as long as the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith are correct and you see that people as a whole genuinely care for each other, and that you actually enjoy being there. For me the "Church" is comprised of all denominations that adhere to the foundational doctrines. By the way I have never heard of anyone being disfellowshipped.
So enjoy your Sunday. I suggest you join a small group to get to know people. If you don't like that particular church then try another. For me, the first time I stepped into the church I attend I felt comfortable, like I belonged. It's a welcoming church but not overboard, which totally turns me off.