How many JWs actually died and were imprisoned in Hitlers rein?

by aquagirl 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mouthy

    As I said before Anna Adaman ( a JEW) searched for the JWs when she was realeased ( by the British) from her concentration camp
    Because she said the JWs that was interned with her ,shared what little food they had with her.
    Yes they preached while doing so but when she found them she became baptised as a JW, She found my advertisment in the newspaper
    ( Support group For EX JW's)& attended because she had become discouraged by the lack of love in HER congregation,( Not like those in the Concentration camp )
    I suggest what ever faith these poor souls suffered What ever religion, That we sould remember Hatred for any reason is EVIL.
    I dont hate the JWS...I pray for them all, just as I do for all the suffering souls of this troubling world. LOVE has GOT to be our main
    focus if we are to survive...In a world of very difficult times

    My two cents as usual.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    Thank you. I overreacted but I am tired of a higher standard imposed on me. This is not my profession. It is an interest and part of my life.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I read the letter to Hitler shortly after coming here. It shocked me completely. The Declaration of Facts was even worse. Hatred of England and the US is NOT neutrality. Someday I want to learn more about the Sedition trials during WWI. Part of me can't believe that the US ordered a religion to print anti-German propoganda. During war I can see the US not wanting German propaganda printed.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    Stop being a drama queen. A simple research on the internet would have given you the information you needed. You claim to have a law degree yet you're too lazy to do some easy research for yourself. I find that surprising but it gives an interesting insight to your character.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Why don't you focus on issues rather than imposing your views on my life? It reminds me of the KH. I am not here to please you. There is only subgroup of people who can suggest that I do something with any integrity - the moderators. Their suggestions may be backed up by ejection based on ownership, not moral right.

    This is NOT legal work. Neither is it formal SCHOOL. This is not a professional forum. Many threads here end in absolute nonsense. I take it as diversity now. I do not exist to serve you. The parameters of my participation within the posting rules are set by me, not you.

    I notice a few people like to be unnecessarily vicious. If you don't like lawyers, it is your problem, not mine. If you can't marshall your own arguments, comments, insights into what I post, personal attacks only point to a cowardly mind. Rather than attack me, someone whom you do not know and never will, attack the content. If I were you, I would try to hide my insecurities and personal issues, not highlight them by posting what you did.

    If asking if people on an informal internet forum know a reputable source (Franz is not reputable b/c of the nature of the exodus. JW documents may have been tampered with so their archives are not much help) is a sign of laziness, you must live on some Federation planet other than earth.

    When people can't respond to posts, they might make personal attacks against the poster. What do you know about me? I know nothing of you and I don't care to know. You are not my father or the elders. I have freedom now. If I trigger you, the answer is within you, not me.

    You are not professional colleagues. I am NOT at work or even volunteering. Shall I critique you? I can have no mercy. My rational mind tells me you are not worth the effort. For every attack on the board, I have five or six complimentary private messages.

  • james_woods

    Band on the Run - I think you need to sit down and have a nice cold drink of ice water.

    This is a worthwhile thread for many newly exiting JWs and is not being helped by this kind of drama over nothing.

  • undercover

    The WTS likes to point to the treatment of JWs during the holocaust as if it's some proof that they had Jehovah's backing. They wear it as a badge of courage or something. They market the purple triangle even.

    So using that perpetrated by themselves... one has to accept that the treatment of homosexuals during the holocaust was also proof that God accepts them as much as he did JWs, Jews and gypsies.

    If the WTS was able to set up true Theocratic rule, they would ban these same people that they died along side of during the holocaust. How very Nazi of them...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I did not turn this thread ugly. Personal attacks have nothing to do with JWs in Germany during the Nazi period or input from Bethel. Nothing. It was an idiotic, off hand, not important comment. I did not start it. He started it. I always reserve an absolute right to defend myself. Don't pick on the victim, falselay accused. I know my contributions, in addition to a motley crue of mixed posters, make this a better forum. Boo hoo - someone asked for personal insight from an actual human, who may have already processed the info.

    All discussions here are available on the INternet, in journals or in books. There is ZERO need for this forum for information's sake.

    Stuff it. If this thread turned ugly, you just added a significant contribution to the ugliness. You take a drink of arsenic. It would be nice if instead of attacking me, you presented some content on your birther thread dealing with the Supremacy Clause, Justiciability, and the Politcal Question doctrine. Atacking me does not provide you with cogent remarks. Rather, it asserts your boo boos.

    Nastiness begets nastiness. I am a mature, professional woman not a little defrential girl listening to the advice of spurious brothers.

  • james_woods
    Stuff it. If this thread turned ugly, you just added a significant contribution to the ugliness. You take a drink of arsenic. It would be nice if instead of attacking me, you presented some content on your birther thread dealing with the Supremacy Clause, Justiciability, and the Politcal Question doctrine. Atacking me does not provide you with cogent remarks. Rather, it asserts your boo boos.

    Temper, temper. Everybody wants everything to stay nice.

    BTW - for whatever it is worth; I am an anti-Birther and have never started a Birther thread here or anywhere else.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There was no reason under the sun or Jupiter for that comment. Sometimes I just want to forget about this place. You mind your own business and nastiness happens. I am not looking for saccharine but what is wrong is human respect?

    Is this a forum for people to see who can be the most cutting? I see no honor in that situation. No honor at all. Granted we were all Witnesses but did we not have parents or teachers?

    It detracts from an otherwise interesting place.

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